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  • To: "Joe Baptista" <baptista@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: Authority , (was Re: [ga] [INS TLD KFC] PUBLICROOT REPRESENTATIVE NOTICE)
  • From: "Palmer, John" <jpalmer@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2007 02:10:42 -0500



From: Joe Baptista [mailto:baptista@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Fri 9/28/2007 6:07 PM
To: Palmer, John
Cc: ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; tlda-members@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; `TLDA Member List
Subject: Re: Authority , (was Re: [ga] [INS TLD KFC] PUBLICROOT REPRESENTATIVE 

>Mr. Palmer is a root operator for the INAIC / Public-Root - which see
>URL at:

>Mr. Palmers organization (INAIC) claims it is "an international,
>not-for-profit, service agency organized and dedicated to the

I am a volunteer root operator for Public Root. I have nothing to do INAIC.
INAIC is not in any way, shape or form "my organization". I have nothing
to do with them and have no authority at all. 

Mr. Baptista, in his usual fashion, is attempting to paint a picture to suit 
agenda, but unfortunatly, his picture lacks any real factual basis. 

> The TLDA has made no such claim that we are any authority in the
> namespace. This is a false statement on his part.
>Mr. Palmer and I are at odds over this claim.  I claim Mr. Palmers has a
>direct conflict of interest between the TLDA and INAIC and is misleading
>this assembly with respect to the TLDA.  The TLDA has a clear policy
>governing it's authority over the Inclusive Name Space.  That authority
>of the TLDA is found under its bylaws being Article I section 5 and all
>of Article II.  Which see the archived bylaws
>----- By law snippet end
>I hope this clarifies the issues concerning the TLDAs authority.

The bylaws say nothing about our claim to be the authority. It states that we
are a trade organization of TLD holders and it gives our  OPINION and VIEWPOINT
about what direction we think the industry should take. Its our opinion and 
else. Also, keep in mind that the byLaws are being completly re-written (by 
since no one else wants to do the work) - I assure you that the new byLaws will 
make it perfectly clear that we will make no such claim to be any authority. 

> Any information about the TLDA can be found at _www.tlda.org_
> <outbind://18/www.tlda.org>. Please verify all claims about our
> position with the official information on our website.
> Thanks
> John Palmer
> Member - TLDA Board of Directors.

Please see above. This will be the last reponse on the matter that I post and 
I'm sure all
list members here will be glad to hear that. I could not let Mr. Baptista's 
falsehoods go 

John Palmer

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