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Re: [council] Re: 2016 Proposed Council dates for review and comment

In light of the GNSO review recommendations I endorse Heather’s suggestion.

My calendar indicates 16 December as a Friday???

Best regards


From: Heather Forrest 
Sent: Monday, November 16, 2015 10:49 PM
To: Glen de Saint Géry ; mailto:council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
Subject: [council] Re: 2016 Proposed Council dates for review and comment

Dear Glen, colleagues,

May I suggest that we consider modifying the times (not the dates) within our 
rotation, as 11, 15 and 18 UTC range from 10pm - 5am in Asia Pacific. A more 
equitable rotation whereby each time zone cluster (North/South America, 
Europe/Middle East, Asia Pacific) has at least one meeting during working hours 
would be beneficial and would take on board the feedback received in the recent 
GNSO Review as to facilitating participation from regions outside of Europe and 
North America.

Many thanks and best wishes,



From: owner-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <owner-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of 
Glen de Saint Géry <Glen@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2015 0:05
To: GNSO Council List (council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
Subject: [council] 2016 Proposed Council dates for review and comment 

Dear Councillors,

Please find a draft proposal for the Council dates for the next 12 months as 
stipulated in the GNSO Operating Procedures. We are working on rotation times 
with the new distribution of Councillors, Your comments and feedback are most 
welcome and will help to get the dates in place. 


      GNSO Operating Rules and Procedures
      GNSO Operating Procedures, Version 3.0 Page 1 GNSO Operating Procedures 
      Read more... 


The GNSO Chair and GNSO Council will prepare a12-month schedule of meetings 
within 30 days following the ICANN annual meeting.

GNSO Council members may request changes to the schedule during the year,which 
may be agreed upon by the Chair in consultation with the Council, subject to 
the minimum period of notice below.

14 JanuaryAND/OR Thursday 21 January at 11 UTC (to allow flexibilityto deal 
with the CCWG-Accountability Final Report. Closer to the date we will be in a 
position to determine  whether two meetings are needed or whether one is 

18 February (Thursday) at 15 UTC

9 March (Wednesday)  - ICANN Meeting - Public Council meeting Marrakech  at 
13:00 local time 

14 April (Thursday) at 18:00 UTC

12 May  (Thursday)  at 11:00  UTC

27-30 June - ICANN Meeting - Public Council meeting Panama City  at 13:00 local 

21 July  (Thursday) at 15:00  UTC

August – no meetings ???

1 September (Thursday)  at 18:00  UTC

22 September (Thursday) (Yom Kippur) OR Thursday 29 at 11:00 UTC

13 October (Thursday)  at 15:00 UTC

2 November, ICANN Meeting - Public Council meeting Puerto Rico at 13:00 local 

24 November (Thursday) at 18:00 UTC

16 December (Thursday)  at 11:00  UTC

Thanks so much.

Kind regards,


Glen de Saint Géry
GNSO Secretariat

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