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The GNSO Library is an interface by which users can search for all GNSO related work products such as meeting minutes, MP3 recordings of meetings, GNSO Council agendas, Working Group reports, etc.  Each document is tagged with a predefined taxonomy as it is populated into the Drupal database.  The left-hand navigation provides quick links of a document type tagged by “classification” and results are displayed with the most recent instance.  A more robust search interface is offered below allowing for more granular search capability and use of keywords.

GNSO Council ProceduresProcess / ProcedureGNSO
ANNEX 6: Registries Stakeholder Group and Registrars Stakeholder Group Process to Select ICANN Board Seat No. 13 Candidates09 September 2024Guideline / RuleGNSO, Council
Correspondence 2021Correspondence, PresentationGNSO, Council
Council Resolutions 1999 - 2019ResolutionCouncil
Mailing ListsGNSO
Correspondence and Presentations
GNSO Policy Development Process (PDP)Process / ProcedureGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, Policy Development Process (PDP)
Policy StaffGNSO
PDP Transfer Policy ReviewGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, Policy Development Process (PDP)
Initial Report on the Transfer Policy Review Policy Development Process31 July 2024ReportGNSO, Working Groups / Teams
GNSO PR Officer - Roles & Responsibilities18 July 2024Guideline / RuleGNSO, Council
GNSO CouncilGNSO, Council
Not-for-Profit Organizations ConstituencyGNSO, Not-for-Profit Organizations Constituency (NPOC)
Stakeholder Groups and ConstituenciesGNSO, Registries Stakeholders Group (RySG)
GNSO Policy BriefingGNSO
Quick InfoGNSO
New GNSO Policy Briefing Published
GNSO@ICANN Meetings Info Page
GNSO Policy Briefing ArchiveGNSO
small team guidelines19 April 2024Guideline / RuleGNSO, Council
Mailing Lists ArchiveGNSO
GNSO ElectionsGNSO
Proposed Board Seat 13 Election Timeline 202427 February 2024GNSO, Council
Proposed GNSO Chair Election Timeline 202427 February 2024GNSO, Council
Apply Now for ICANN Leadership Positions
Expression of Interest - GNSO Nominated Mentor for the ICANN Fellowship Program13 December 2023AnnouncementGNSO
Updated: Expression of Interest - GNSO Nominated Mentor for the ICANN Fellowship Program03 January 2024AnnouncementGNSO
Expression of Interest – GNSO Nominated Member of the Fellowship Selection Committee03 January 2024GNSO
Commercial Business UsersGNSO, Business Constituency
Internet Service ProvidersGNSO, Internet Service Providers Constituency
Commercial Stakeholder GroupGNSO, Commercial Stakeholders Group (CSG)
Intellectual Property
GNSO Structure ArchiveGNSO
EPDP Internationalized Domain Names29 June 2021
Internet Service Providers: 2022-2023GNSO
Intellectual Property: 2022-2023GNSO
Commercial Business Users: 2022-2023GNSO
Commercial Stakeholder Group: 2022-2023GNSO
GNSO Council: 2022-2023GNSO
Council 2022 - 2023GNSO
ICANN78 Council Meeting07 November 2023GNSO, Council
Candidate Statement GNSO Council Chair07 October 2023StatementGNSO
Guidelines for ICANN Org Global Domains & Strategy Liaisons to the Policy Development Process06 September 2023Guideline / RuleGNSO, Council
EPDP Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data – Phase 2A04 March 2019
GNSO Work Product Templates: GNSO Issue Report Request Form25 April 2023TemplateGNSO, Council
Revised GNSO Work Product Templates: Initial Working Group Report25 April 2023TemplateGNSO, Council
Revised GNSO Work Product Templates: Working Group Charter25 April 2023TemplateGNSO, Council
Revised GNSO Work Product Templates: Preliminary Issue Report25 April 2023TemplateGNSO, Council
2023 NPOC Charter13 June 2023CharterGNSO
PDP Protection of IGO and INGO Identifiers in All gTLDsGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, Protection of IGO and INGO Identifiers in All gTLDs (IGO-INGO)
EPDP Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data – Phase 131 July 2018
Program Management Tools SuiteGNSO
Commercial Stakeholder Group: 2021-2022GNSO
Internet Service Providers: 2021-2022GNSO
Intellectual Property: 2021-2022GNSO
Commercial Business Users: 2021-2022GNSO
GNSO Council: 2021-2022GNSO
Council 2021 - 2022GNSO
ANNEX 1: GNSO Working Group Guidelines15 March 2023Guideline / RuleGNSO, Council
APPENDIX 1: GNSO Council Voting Results Table15 March 2023Guideline / RuleGNSO, Council
ANNEX 2: Policy Development Process Manual15 March 2023Guideline / RuleGNSO, Council
ANNEX 7: Non-Contracted Parties House Procedure for Election of the Board Member/ Seat No.1415 March 2023Guideline / RuleGNSO, Council
ANNEX 6: Registries Stakeholder Group and Registrars Stakeholder Group Process to Select ICANN Board Seat No. 13 Candidates15 March 2023Guideline / RuleGNSO, Council
ANNEX 3: Input Process Manual15 March 2023Guideline / RuleGNSO, Council
ANNEX 5: GNSO Guidance Process Manual15 March 2023Guideline / RuleGNSO, Council
ANNEX 4: Expedited GNSO Policy Development Process Manual15 March 2023Guideline / RuleGNSO, Council
GNSO Operating Procedures v3.615 March 2023Guideline / RuleGNSO, Council
GNSO Procedures ArchiveProcess / ProcedureGNSO
GNSO Operating Procedures v2.713 June 2013Process / ProcedureGNSO, Council
GNSO Operating Procedures v2.913 November 2014Process / ProcedureGNSO, Council
GNSO Operating Procedures v2.826 May 2014Process / ProcedureGNSO, Council
GNSO Operating Procedures v3.116 February 2016Process / ProcedureGNSO, Council
GNSO Operating Procedures v3.024 June 2015Process / ProcedureGNSO, Council
GNSO Operating Procedures v3.201 September 2016Process / ProcedureGNSO, Council
GNSO Operating Procedures v3.330 January 2018Process / ProcedureGNSO, Council
GNSO Operating Procedures v3.413 June 2018Process / ProcedureGNSO, Council
GNSO Operating Procedures v3.524 October 2019Process / ProcedureGNSO, Council
Proposed GNSO Chair Election Timeline 202303 February 2023GNSO, Council
Revised GNSO Working Group Charter Template17 January 2023TemplateGNSO, Council
ANNEX D, 3.2 SO/AC Director Removal03 January 2023GNSO, Council
ANNEX D, 3.1 Nominating Committee Director Removal03 January 2023GNSO, Council
Expression of Interest – GNSO Nominated Member of the Fellowship Selection Committee09 December 2022Announcement, News FlashGNSO
Expression of Interest – GNSO Nominated Member of the Fellowship Selection Committee09 December 2022GNSO
Expression of Interest – GNSO Nominated Mentor for the ICANN Fellowship Program01 December 2022Announcement, News FlashGNSO
Expression of Interest – GNSO Nominated Mentor for the ICANN Fellowship Program01 December 2022GNSO
Updated GNSO Working Group Charter Template14 January 2020TemplateGNSO, Council
Closed/Archived GNSO Whois Policy WorkGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, Whois, WHOIS Survey Requirements (WSWG)
Guidelines for ICANN Org Global Domains & Strategy Liaisons to the Policy Development Process30 September 2022Guideline / RuleGNSO, Council
Registrars Stakeholder GroupGNSO
Letter from GNSO Council to ICANN Board21 September 2022CorrespondenceGNSO, Council
Candidate Statement GNSO Chair10 September 2022StatementGNSO
EPDP on Specific Curative Rights Protections for IGOs
Revised Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) Status Report | Redlined13 July 2022ReportGNSO, Working Groups / Teams
Revised Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) Status Report13 July 2022ReportGNSO, Working Groups / Teams
About the GNSO
Initial Report on the Transfer Policy Review Policy Development Process - Phase 1(a)16 June 2022ReportGNSO, Working Groups / Teams
Other ICANN StructuresGNSO
Итоговый отчет по результатам ускоренного процесса формирования политики в области отдельных корректирующих механизмов защиты прав международных межправительственных организаций (МПО)02 April 2022Report, FinalGNSO, Council
Rapport final du processus accéléré d’élaboration de politiques relatif à des protections spécifiques des droits curatifs des organisations intergouvernementales (OIG)02 April 2022Report, FinalGNSO, Council