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The GNSO Library is an interface by which users can search for all GNSO related work products such as meeting minutes, MP3 recordings of meetings, GNSO Council agendas, Working Group reports, etc.  Each document is tagged with a predefined taxonomy as it is populated into the Drupal database.  The left-hand navigation provides quick links of a document type tagged by “classification” and results are displayed with the most recent instance.  A more robust search interface is offered below allowing for more granular search capability and use of keywords.

Informe Final del Proceso Expeditivo de Desarrollo de Políticas sobre Medidas Correctivas Específicas para la Protección de Derechos de Organizaciones Internacionales Gubernamentales (OIG)02 April 2022Report, FinalGNSO, Council
التقرير النهائي لفريق عملية وضع السياسات المع ّجلة المعني بآليات محددة لحماية الحقوق العالجية الموج ّهة إلى المنظمات الحكومية الدولية )IGO)02 April 2022Report, FinalGNSO, Council
Registries Stakeholder GroupGNSO
Final Report of the Expedited Policy Development Process on Specific Curative Rights Protections for International Governmental Organizations (IGOs)02 April 2022Report, FinalGNSO, Council
EPDP Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data – Phase 204 March 2019
Policy Briefing | Policy Implementation Update16 February 2022BriefingGNSO, Working Groups / Teams
Policy Briefing | Expedited Policy Development Process: Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data - Phase 2 & Phase 2A16 February 2022BriefingGNSO, Working Groups / Teams
Policy Briefing | Policy Development Process: New Generic Top-Level Domain Subsequent Procedures16 February 2022BriefingGNSO, Working Groups / Teams
Policy Briefing | Expedited Policy Development Process: Specific Curative Rights Protections for IGOs16 February 2022BriefingGNSO, Working Groups / Teams
Policy Briefing | Expedited Policy Development Process: Internationalized Domain Names16 February 2022BriefingGNSO, Working Groups / Teams
Policy Briefing | Policy Development Process: Transfer Policy Review16 February 2022BriefingGNSO, Working Groups / Teams
Proposed GNSO Chair Election Timeline 202209 February 2022GNSO, Council
Non-PDP - Registration Abuse Policies Working GroupGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, Registration Abuse Policies (RAP)
gTLD 注册数据临时规范快速政策制定 流程第 2A 阶段最终报告13 September 2021Report, FinalGNSO, Council
Окончательный отчет по итогам работы над Фазой 2А ускоренного процесса формирования политики по Временной спецификации для регистрационных данных в gTLD13 September 2021Report, FinalGNSO, Council
Rapport final de l’étape 2 A du processus accéléré d’élaboration de politiques sur la spécification temporaire relative aux données d’enregistrement des gTLD13 September 2021Report, FinalGNSO, Council
Informe Final de la Fase 2A del Proceso Expeditivo de Desarrollo de Políticas sobre la Especificación Temporaria para los Datos de Registración de los gTLD13 September 2021Report, FinalGNSO, Council
التقرير النهائي للمرحلة 2أ للعملية المع ّجلة لوضع السياسات للمواصفة المؤقتة لبيانات تسجيل نطاقات gTLD13 September 2021Report, FinalGNSO, Council
NomCom AppointeesGNSO, Council
ICANN Board Nominating Committee Appointees to GNSO Council - 2019GNSO
GNSO Appointees to ICANN BoardGNSO
GNSO Appointees to ICANN Board: 2020-2021GNSO
Non-Commercial UsersGNSO, Non-Commercial Users Constituency
Noncommercial Stakeholder GroupGNSO, Non-Commercial Stakeholders Group (NCSG)
Jeff Neuman, SubPro ODP Liaison to Philippe Fouquart, Chair, GNSO Council10 January 2022CorrespondenceGNSO, Council
EPDP Phase 1 Recommendation 1207 January 2022Draft / Initial / PreliminaryGNSO, Council
Registration Data Accuracy Scoping Leadership Team to GNSO Council31 December 2021CorrespondenceGNSO, Council
Transfer Policy Review – Phase 1 Leadership Team to GNSO Council31 December 2021CorrespondenceGNSO, Council
GNSO Council Response to ICANN Board Regarding IDN Implementation. Guidelines v4.021 January 2022Draft / Initial / PreliminaryGNSO, Council
EPDP Specific Curative Rights Protections IGOs Leadership Team to GNSO Council31 December 2021CorrespondenceGNSO, Council
GNSO IDNs EPDP Team to GNSO Council31 December 2021CorrespondenceGNSO, Council
Eleeza Agopian to GNSO Council21 December 2021CorrespondenceGNSO, Council
Expression of Interest – GNSO Nominated Mentor for the ICANN Fellowship Program07 December 2021Announcement, News FlashGNSO
Expression of Interest - GNSO Nominated Mentor for the ICANN Fellowship Program07 December 2021GNSO
Pre-ICANN71 Policy Webinar Presentation [FR]14 October 2021PresentationGNSO
Pre-ICANN71 Policy Webinar Presentation [ES]14 October 2021PresentationGNSO
Pre-ICANN71 Policy Webinar Presentation [EN]14 October 2021PresentationGNSO
Pre-ICANN71 Policy Webinar Presentation [ES]03 June 2021PresentationGNSO
Pre-ICANN71 Policy Webinar Presentation [PT]03 June 2021PresentationGNSO
Pre-ICANN71 Policy Webinar Presentation [FR]03 June 2021PresentationGNSO
Pre-ICANN71 Policy Webinar Presentation [EN]03 June 2021PresentationGNSO
Global Domains & Strategy Team to GNSO Council20 December 2021CorrespondenceGNSO, Council
Charter – PDP to Review the Transfer Policy24 March 2021Charter, Draft / Initial / PreliminaryGNSO
GNSO Council to ICANN Board03 September 2021ReportGNSO, Working Groups / Teams
Request for Expressions of Interest GNSO Council Liaison to the Operational Design Phase (ODP) for the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Policy Development Process Working Group (SubPro)31 August 2021Announcement, News FlashGNSO
Manal Ismail, GAC Chair to Philippe Fouquart, Chair, GNSO Council15 December 2021CorrespondenceGNSO, Council
Janis Karklins, SSAD ODP Liaison to GNSO Council09 December 2021CorrespondenceGNSO, Council
ICANN Org to GNSO Council10 December 2021CorrespondenceGNSO, Council
Maarten Botterman, Chair of ICANN Board to Philippe Fouquart, Chair, GNSO Council08 December 2021CorrespondenceGNSO, Council
EPDP SPCR IGO Project Change Request06 December 2021CorrespondenceGNSO, Council
GNSO Council ODP Input Review Process07 December 2021Draft / Initial / PreliminaryGNSO, Council
Expression of Interest GNSO Council Liaison to the Operational Design Phase (ODP) for the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Policy Development Process Working Group (SubPro)31 August 2021GNSO, At-Large GNSO Liaison, Council, New gTLD Subsequent Procedures, Policy Development Process (PDP)
EPDP Specific Curative Rights Protections IGOs Leadership Team to GNSO Council30 November 2021CorrespondenceGNSO, Council
EPDP: Internationalized Domain Names to GNSO Council30 November 2021CorrespondenceGNSO, Council
EPDP Phase 2A GNSO Council Recommendations Report to the ICANN Board06 December 2021Draft / Initial / PreliminaryGNSO
Transfer Policy Review PDP Team to GNSO Council30 November 2021CorrespondenceGNSO, Council
PDP: Transfer Policy Review – Phase 1 (TPR_P1) Team to GNSO Council06 December 2021CorrespondenceGNSO, Council
ICANN Org to GNSO Council18 November 2021CorrespondenceGNSO
GNSO Council to the ICANN Secretary18 November 2021CorrespondenceGNSO, Council
GNSO Council to the GAC18 November 2021CorrespondenceGNSO, Council
Jeff Newman, SubPro ODP Liaison to Philippe Fouquart, Chair, GNSO Council16 November 2021CorrespondenceGNSO, Council
Janis Karklins, SSAD ODP Liaison to GNSO Council17 November 2021CorrespondenceGNSO, Council
Additional guidance on the GNSO Council Liaison to the Operational Design Phase16 November 2021Draft / Initial / PreliminaryGNSO, Council
Updated NomCom GNSO Job Description15 November 2021Draft / Initial / PreliminaryGNSO, Council
GNSO Review of ICANN72 GAC Communiqué11 November 2021GNSO, Council
Registration Data Accuracy Scoping Team Leadership to GNSO Council03 November 2021CorrespondenceGNSO, Council
Transfer Policy Review PDP Team to GNSO Council31 October 2021CorrespondenceGNSO, Council
Letter from GNSO Council to ICANN Board03 November 2021CorrespondenceGNSO, Council
EPDP Specific Curative Rights Protections IGOs Leadership Team to GNSO Council31 October 2021CorrespondenceGNSO, Council
Council 2020 - 2021GNSO
ICANN Board Nominating Committee Appointees to GNSO Council: 2020-2021GNSO
Registries Stakeholder Group: 2020-2021GNSO
Registrars Stakeholder Group: 2020-2021GNSO
Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns: 2020-2021GNSO
Non-Commercial Users: 2020-2021GNSO
Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group: 2020-2021GNSO
Internet Service Providers: 2020-2021GNSO
Intellectual Property: 2020-2021GNSO
Commercial Business Users: 2020-2021GNSO
Commercial Stakeholder Group: 2020-2021GNSO
GNSO Council: 2020-2021
GNSO Council to John Jeffrey, ICANN Secretry27 October 2021CorrespondenceGNSO, Council
Letter from GNSO Council to ICANN Board27 October 2021CorrespondenceGNSO, Council
GNSO Council Chair Election Results27 October 2021GNSO, Council
Michael Palage, Chair, Registration Data Accuracy Scoping Team26 October 2021CorrespondenceGNSO, Council
Janis Karklins, SSAD ODP Liaison to GNSO Council26 October 2021CorrespondenceGNSO, Council
Proposed date and times for GNSO Council meetings 2021 – 202225 October 2021Draft / Initial / PreliminaryGNSO
Modifying gTLD Consensus Policies Executive Summary22 October 2021CorrespondenceGNSO
ICANN Org to GNSO Council22 October 2021CorrespondenceGNSO
Maarten Botterman, Chair, ICANN Board of Directors to Philippe Fouquart, Chair, GNSO23 October 2021CorrespondenceGNSO
Letter from Maarten Botterman to Philippe Fouquart: Request for Continued Deferral of IDN Implementation Guidelines 4.020 October 2021CorrespondenceGNSO, Council
FY23 IANA-PTI Proposed OpPlan Budget - GNSO Comments25 October 2021Draft / Initial / PreliminaryGNSO
GNSO Liaison to the GAC16 October 2021CorrespondenceGNSO, Council
Customer Standing Committee Review14 October 2021Correspondence, TemplateGNSO, Council
Candidate Statement GNSO Chair09 October 2021StatementGNSO
Commercial Stakeholder Group - 2019GNSO, Commercial Stakeholders Group (CSG)
Commercial Stakeholder Group: 2019 - 2020GNSO, Commercial Stakeholders Group (CSG)
Council ActivitiesGNSO
ccNSO Council Minutes 17 April 201230 April 2012Announcement, Transcript
Transfer Policy Review PDP Team to GNSO Council30 September 2021CorrespondenceGNSO, Council