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[ga] Re: [OT] About what do you want to say with America?

>From: Erick Iriarte Ahon
>4. More important issues? really: internet for what?, how you can use
>internet for helping people?, how the internet could serve to
>development of countries? and finally how this community can change
>the "business-money - only-my-things" vision to "serve to the
>community" vision.?

What "community" are you talking about? or better still, whose
"community"?  Are we to suppose that you have some kind of ideological
monopoly on the notion of the "community" and what best serves it? The
internet is a tool of exchange, nothing more or less.  Tools are created
by people.  Some people trade their tools with others but that is because
they wish to, not because they have to...  NOBODY ever simply GIVES AWAY
their tools without expecting something tangible in return. Anybody who
thinks or tries to promote otherwise is a parasite as they obviously do
not put any value on creativity and its product(s), instead they put value
only on the need for what others have created... and THAT is how parasites

Sotiris Sotiropoulos

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