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Sorry Joe, we ARENT taking your word for it (was Re: [ga] a message from Henk Smit to the GA on INAIC Unifedroot worldroot scam)

  • To: <ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Sorry Joe, we ARENT taking your word for it (was Re: [ga] a message from Henk Smit to the GA on INAIC Unifedroot worldroot scam)
  • From: "John Palmer" <jpalmer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 12:47:08 -0500

No Joe, evidence must be given in public.

You come on this list and accuse Herman and Co. of all sorts of
crimes, none of which the police have acted on and you expect us
to accept secret evidence on YOUR word? NOT!

If Henk has been defrauded, you need to have him come forward and
tell us in person and/or show THE WHOLE email with headers.

Although you say that someone defrauded him, we have no information
that he ever filed a complaint with the police. I don't know about Germany,
but here in the US, when you file a complaint, you make a statement and
sign it under oath and they give you a copy of the statement on paper.

Knowing how the Dutch and Germans are sticklers for detail and paperwork,
I'm sure Henk has a copy of the statement he gave to the police on one of
their forms. In the US, those are public information and probably in Germany
as well. 

Get a copy of that statement from Henk and scan it in and post it here, Joe.

That would clear up alot of the problems.  

You have provided NO real evidence of this except your word, and the
claim that someone told you that Herman and Co. defrauded them. You 
regularly engage in deceptive practices such as posting stuff on your
website, written by YOU, that is designed to confuse and convince the reader
that you are taking this from some sort of authoritative source, when in fact,
it is just your work.  You have a decades long history of terrorizing online 
with your psychotic behavior - I wont post the links to all of your nonsense in 
this message - they are in the archives. Given these facts, I ask you:



Until you provide evidence, there is nothing but unsubstantiated rantings from
someone who has a proven vendetta against those that the supposed evidence
incriminates. Your credibility with the world is less than zero.

Please stop insulting our intelligence.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Joe Baptista 
  To: ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx >> GA 
  Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2010 9:41 AM
  Subject: Re: [ga] a message from Henk Smit to the GA on INAIC Unifedroot 
worldroot scam

  No headers needed. The message is mostly confidential. And if you want to 
confirm it - why don't you pick up the phone and call Henk. I'll give you his 

  Of course you won't ever do that because as I have said repeatedly those 
people involved in scams and con games rarely contact victims of their own 

  But again your welcomed to do so yourself. I welcome it when people confirm 
my facts.

  joe baptista

  On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 10:09 AM, John Palmer 
<jpalmer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

    Sorry Joe, thats not gonna cut it. 

    Where are the headers for this e-mail?  This is just another fabrication by 
you Joe.

    Henk can speak for himself. Why wont he come on the list and communicate 
    all of us directly? This is serious - he should be willing to do his civic 
duty to testify
    before the community. 

    Sorry Joe - Nice forgery and fiction, but we know you better. 

    Send us the e-mail that he sent you, unadulterated. And don't screw with 
    headers because I am an expert in tracking down forged e-mail headers.

    Lame Joe, really lame. You are running out of ideas on how to lie to us.

      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Joe Baptista 
      To: ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx >> GA 
      Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2010 8:23 AM
      Subject: [ga] a message from Henk Smit to the GA on INAIC Unifedroot 
worldroot scam

      Henk Smit pass a message along to me for the GA I will translate ...

      <Henk says ....>

      I've read your emails and do not understand that some people do not see 
that Xennt and associates are all impostors.
      I will send you documents that prove they are liars and crooks.

      Too bad they have stolen all my money otherwise I would have a lawyer. 
It's true what you write that the police do nothing in these matters. In 
Holland it gets crazier every day. Innocent people put in jail for years while 
big crooks with money continue to roam freely.

      I will still send papers showing they are criminals.

      <end of Henk message>

      joe baptista

      p.s. of course I'll post those documents if they are relevant.

  Joe Baptista

  PublicRoot Consortium
  The future of the Internet is Open, Transparent, Inclusive, Representative & 
Accountable to the Internet community @large.
   Office: +1 (360) 526-6077 (extension 052)
      Fax: +1 (509) 479-0084

  Personal: http://baptista.cynikal.net/

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