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Re: [ga] DNS Root-Level Pollution

  • To: David Scott <tlda@xxxxxxxxxx>, ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: [ga] DNS Root-Level Pollution
  • From: JFC Morfin <jefsey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2008 14:15:01 +0200

At 10:46 14/06/2008, David Scott wrote:
With this upcoming fiasco, (the auction of TLD's) does this mean the internet will go away? oh pooh :( Hopefully there is enough RSC's out there that can take the load. The structure of most of the worlds economics actually rely on the internet in one way or another; and incidentally ICANN's structure. (have to use them to get the dot coms) If ICANN's structure where to completely fail, I mean 100% failure, what is the real impact. I don't think really anyone could understand that, and on top of which, since they are not allowing completely AXFR's from their servers, (that i know, haven't check it lately) when.. i mean IF they fall, how long before the caches actually clear?
Was 7 really enough. Guess closing doors MIGHT have been a bad idea huh?

we are an increasing number of people who think (we ran a two years community testing over the point) that the real only internet need is not two (or more) uncoordinated registries per TLD and the end of the ICANN solitude as a root admin (a part from an architectural replacement). The 14th root server case, operating for several months without being noticed while replicating the ICANN machine, shows that the security/stability ICANN fairy tale story only makes the world more vulnerable, with a single point of easy confusion.

The Root Server System is only a lucrative service (there must be a poistive return somewhere for them to continue) which made a good PR (collective brain washing ?) operation and uses ICANN as a smokescreen for it. ICANN's complexity/complications is just to keep the focus far from a single simple question: what do we really need the root server system for ?

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