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RE: [ga] GA_ISSUE-001: Domain Tasting - Info

  • To: <chris@xxxxxx>, "ga" <ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [ga] GA_ISSUE-001: Domain Tasting - Info
  • From: "Dominik Filipp" <dominik.filipp@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2008 09:32:41 +0200


This is just a misunderstanding but thanks for raising this notice.

Yes, they are the reasons enumerated by the registrars, but the reasons
that should be addressed during an open and critical deliberation here.
In my opinion they are important as they are the only arguments being
waved with by the official staff.

The collecting-of-aspects is still under construction. Feel free to post
some others, I also have some new to post. Then we'll collect and
categorize them to proceed further with the threads.


-----Original Message-----
From: chris@xxxxxx [mailto:chris@xxxxxx] 
Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2008 9:56 PM
To: Dominik Filipp; ga
Subject: Re: [ga] GA_ISSUE-001: Domain Tasting - Info

Dominik, you have to excuse me for having a few concerns. My concerns
lie in the fact that you propose opening a separate thread on each
reason the registrars want to keep the AGP, but propose no threads on
the reasons not to.

Chris McElroy

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dominik Filipp" <dominik.filipp@xxxxxxxx>
To: "ga" <ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2008 3:03 PM
Subject: [ga] GA_ISSUE-001: Domain Tasting - Info

> Dear all,
> By this post I am opening our first GA issue 'Domain Tasting'.
> We, on the GA, have so far collected a remarkable number of
> contributions related to the issue that allows for further analysis of
> the problem. We have also recognized that the core of the problem lies
> in the AGP concept. That is why our effort could/should be primarily
> focused on this concept. The views/evidence/facts gathered should
> in the Formal Resolution.
> Aim of This Thread
> ---------------------
> This thread will contain general information/news related to the
> It should NOT contain factual contributions on specific aspects,
> technical details, topics and concerns related to the issue. For this
> purpose, specific threads discussing the aspects in detail shall be
> opened.
> So far the following aspects have been recognized and collected to
> address and work on
> AGP - Typo Corrections
> AGP - Cart Hold
> AGP - Fraud Remedies
> AGP - Testing of Systems
> AGP - Buyer's Remorse
> To-Do
> ------
> I kindly invite you all to participate on the issue. During this
> phase feel free to post (on this thread) contributions addressing
> organizational ideas, tips, hints, and small improvements. The
> organizational stuff, however, should be minimal to swiftly proceed
> the work.
> In my opinion, the first thing to do is to collect/enrich the list of
> aspects mentioned above. If the number is too high we can either
> those more significant or/and define some categories/groups under
> the aspects collected naturally fall. Upon completing this collection
> the related threads shall be opened by the list moderator, with
> consultation with the GA Chair and the GA List Monitors prior to
> opening, if needed.
> Thank you
> Dominik Filipp, a list moderator for this GA issue

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