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Re: [ga] Wallpapering the NTIA

  • To: Roberto Gaetano <roberto@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [ga] Wallpapering the NTIA
  • From: Karl Auerbach <karl@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2008 17:20:44 -0800

Roberto Gaetano wrote:
I'm sure that people who disagree will have plenty of other websites who
propose critical statements.

Well, given the amount of "astroturfing" (i.e. contrived "grass roots support") that is generated in the US, it is likely that the effect of this page by ICANN will be exactly opposite of what ICANN would like.

Astroturfing creates a situation in which those who receive it discount it as what it often is - contrived and more indicative of a spammer kind of mentality than a communication of merit and weight.

I believe that some from ICANN made disparaging comments on a similar effort by the non commercial constituency to facilitate comments to ICANN by providing a basic submission letter that could be slightly (or significantly) tailored by the person using it.

At the end of the day, this kind of practice diminishes the quality of discourse.

However, it does have merit as an early predecessor to what we call "elections". ;-)


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