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[ga] Understanding the ICANN Process

  • To: ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [ga] Understanding the ICANN Process
  • From: Danny Younger <dannyyounger@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 6 Oct 2007 07:19:01 -0700 (PDT)

ICANNist:  Welcome to ICANN LA.  What brings you to 
this session?

John Q. Public:  I've got a domain name issue and I'd
like to find out who my representative is...

ICANNist:  I suppose we could introduce you to the
ALAC -- they're a committee that discusses the user

John Q. Public:  Great!  ...but are these the people
that represent me, that have directors on the board?

ICANNist:  Uh, not exactly.  The ALAC doesn't have any
policy-setting authority, and ICANN no longer has any
at-large board directors... but you can still

John Q. Public:  Screw that.  I'm here to speak to my
representative, and if they don't represent me, then
I'm not interested in this ALAC.  So who represents

ICANNist:  ummm, I guess you don't work for an ISP, a
registry or a registrar...

John Q. Public:  Nope, I'm just an ordinary guy that
wants to find his representative.

ICANNist:  Are you perhaps a business, or a
non-commercial organization, or maybe an intellectual
property attorney?

John Q. Public:  No, I'm just an average individual
that needs help.  So who's my representative?

ICANNist:  Unfortunately ICANN doesn't have a
constituency for registrants, but you can speak to the
Nominating Committee appointees to the GNSO.

John Q. Public:  ...and who are they?

ICANNist:  They are members of the ICANN community
with the highest integrity and capability who place
the public interest ahead of any particular special

John Q. Public:  Good.  Now we're really getting
somewhere.  So show me their website.

ICANNist:  Uhhh, they don't have a website.

John Q. Public:  That's weird... is it because they're
new to the process?

ICANNist:  Actually they've been around for five

John Q. Public:  Then at the very least they must have
some type of formal intake channel... where's their
Public Forum at?

ICANNist:  The NonCom Appointees don't maintain a
forum either...

John Q. Public:  Then what about an interactive
discussion list, or monthly teleconferences?

ICANNist:  No... they don't have any of that either.

John Q. Public:  ...and you said something about these
people having the highest capabilities???  How are we
supposed to get in touch with them?  When and where do
they meet as a group?

ICANNist:  They don't exactly meet as a group...

John Q. Public:  ...so what you're basically saying

ICANNist:  You're not what ICANN considers to be a
stakeholder... you have no real representative in the
process... but you can always complain to the

John Q. Public:  Wonderful... and what will he do?

ICANNist:  as the Ombudsman doesn't have the power to
make, change or set aside any policy or Board
decision, he'll probably just "investigate" your

John Q. Public:  ... and that will result in...

ICANNist:  nothing  ...but at least you'll get to cool
down while he investigates, and he will likely
encourage you to work out the situation with the

John Q. Public:  yeah, work with my registrar who will
continue to do nothing on my behalf.  Doesn't ICANN
anywhere have a Customer Complaint Resolution

ICANNist:  No. It doesn't... but thanks for visiting
ICANN.  We'll look forward to your continued input.

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