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Re: [ga] The Serious People -- identify yourself

  • To: ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: [ga] The Serious People -- identify yourself
  • From: jwkckid1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 6 Oct 2007 20:50:01 -0500 (GMT-05:00)

Peter and all,

  I am not saying you don't exist.  I am not even saying that
the Email address you are using doesn't belong to someone
named Peter Dambier.  I am saying that anyone can get any number
of people to verify nearly anything.  Hence my original response.
No one knows if the posts made by peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx are
coming from Peter Dambier or Osama Bin Laudin.  Get my point

  Hoever let me clarify further briefly, authentication of
an Email address that is not registered by a excepted authority
is not necessarly the person whom is using that Email address.

-----Original Message-----
>From: Peter Dambier <peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Sent: Oct 6, 2007 5:20 AM
>To: ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: Re: [ga] The Serious People -- identify yourself
>Hi Jeff,
>Jefsey Morfin, Joe Baptista and David Scott on this list can verify
>my existence.
>We have already "seen" us in a mailing activity about the Public-Root
>2005-09-01 containing no less than 32 addresses in the header.
>We might have seen our addresses somewhere on the IETF mailing list
>or you might ask Louis Pouzin from the "governance" mailing list.
>To this list I am new. I subscribed on 2007-09-29
>There was a hint from Jefsey about the IANA DNS-Root not beeing
>the first DNS-Root and never beeing the only one that helped me
>subscribing this list.
>As a secretaire general for a provincial suborganisation of
>the Piratenpartei, the Piratenpartei Hessen, you cannot hide
>your emails from the internet nor your existence.
>Kind regards
>Peter and Karin
>jwkckid1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> Peter and all,
>>   I have never seen you on this GA ML before and after reviewing
>> as well as searching for you name in the archives for this forum,
>> I did not get any hits.  So do you have any other cooberation
>> of your idenitiy?  Are you registered with the USPS, FTC, Chamber
>> of commerce, whos who, or any other third non-interested party where
>> verification can be checked?
>> -----Original Message-----
>>>From: Peter Dambier <peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>Sent: Oct 5, 2007 2:47 PM
>>>To: ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>Subject: Re: [ga] The Serious People -- identify yourself
>>>Hash: SHA1
>>>Hi Ross,
>>>be careful about fictuous people. There are not many foreigners who
>>>have been flying a soyuz. Most of them are known by name.
>>>My identification:
>>>2) Peter Michael Dambier
>>>I am one of the guys who were running the Public-Root.
>>>Not one of the bastards who stole the money but one of the slaves
>>>who made things work.
>>>Now I am one of the people who are running the Cesidian Root:
>>>And I am one of the guys from ARL Association Racines Libres
>>>a child of the pirates party doing kind of quality assurance
>>>for alternative roots and for the one and only root.
>>>is one of the tools that Joe Baptista and me have developped to
>>>do the work.
>>>Peter and Karin (my wife who is joining most of my work)
>>>George Kirikos wrote:
>>>| Hello,
>>>| --- Ross Rader <ross@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>|>list moderator). So I'd say, if there are still people on this list
>>>| that
>>>|>are serious about using the GA mailing list as a forum for
>>>|>inter-constituency and interested stakeholder dialogue, then identify
>>>|>yourself and we'll figure out what to do about the k00k factor. If no
>>>|>one feels passionately about this, then let the k00ks have their fun.
>>>| Ok, let's start identifying ourselves:
>>>| 1) George Kirikos
>>>| Feel free to add yourselves to the list of participants.
>>>| By the way, I'd still consider the proposal of yesterday an alternate
>>>| route:
>>>| http://gnso.icann.org/mailing-lists/archives/ga-200709/msg00335.html
>>>| namely having multiple lists (and renaming this mailing list, if it is
>>>| to continue in any form, to something more descriptive of its true
>>>| nature).
>>>| What happens to folks who don't self identify themselves? Purge them
>>>| from the mailing list as being inactive? (conceivably, on an annual
>>>| basis, the mailing list could reconfirm subscribers, thus ensuring that
>>>| everyone who is subscribed is at least "semi-active", in that they
>>>| renewed their subscription on an active basis, instead of passively
>>>| lurking for years)
>>>| Sincerely,
>>>| George Kirikos
>>>| http://www.kirikos.com/
>>>- --
>>>Peter and Karin Dambier
>>>Cesidian Root - Radice Cesidiana
>>>Rimbacher Strasse 16
>>>D-69509 Moerlenbach-Bonsweiher
>>>+49(6209)795-816 (Telekom)
>>>+49(6252)750-308 (VoIP: sipgate.de)
>>>mail: peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>mail: peter@xxxxxxxxxxxx.pirates
>>>Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)
>>>-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
>> 'Regards,
>> Jeffrey A. Williams
>> Spokesman for INEGroup LLA. - (Over 277k members/stakeholders strong!)
>> "Obedience of the law is the greatest freedom" -
>>    Abraham Lincoln
>> "Credit should go with the performance of duty and not with what is very
>> often the accident of glory" - Theodore Roosevelt
>> "If the probability be called P; the injury, L; and the burden, B; liability
>> depends upon whether B is less than L multiplied by
>> P: i.e., whether B is less than PL."
>> United States v. Carroll Towing  (159 F.2d 169 [2d Cir. 1947]
>> ===============================================================
>> Updated 1/26/04
>> CSO/DIR. Internet Network Eng. SR. Eng. Network data security IDNS. div. of
>> Information Network Eng.  INEG. INC.
>> ABA member in good standing member ID 01257402 E-Mail jwkckid1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Peter and Karin Dambier
>Cesidian Root - Radice Cesidiana
>Rimbacher Strasse 16
>D-69509 Moerlenbach-Bonsweiher
>+49(6209)795-816 (Telekom)
>+49(6252)750-308 (VoIP: sipgate.de)
>mail: peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>mail: peter@xxxxxxxxxxxx.pirates
Jeffrey A. Williams
Spokesman for INEGroup LLA. - (Over 277k members/stakeholders strong!)
"Obedience of the law is the greatest freedom" -
   Abraham Lincoln

"Credit should go with the performance of duty and not with what is very
often the accident of glory" - Theodore Roosevelt

"If the probability be called P; the injury, L; and the burden, B; liability
depends upon whether B is less than L multiplied by
P: i.e., whether B is less than PL."
United States v. Carroll Towing  (159 F.2d 169 [2d Cir. 1947]
Updated 1/26/04
CSO/DIR. Internet Network Eng. SR. Eng. Network data security IDNS. div. of
Information Network Eng.  INEG. INC.
ABA member in good standing member ID 01257402 E-Mail jwkckid1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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