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RE: [ga] On Elections

  • To: <sotiris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [ga] On Elections
  • From: "Debbie Garside" <debbie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2007 09:00:40 +0100

My Dear Sotiris

> The GA ML has a history, I don't think we need to re-live it.
>  I would love to sit around and have a group hug at this
> point, but the fact is that while we are playing King/Queen
> of the Mountain there are potentially billions of ways we
> could be making useful contributions to this list.

I agree.  But if you remember, my involvement started when I could not bear
to see 90% of the posts on this list bashing ICANN over the head with a big
stick in a completely destructive, certainly non-constructive way. :-)  The
other 10% being made up of posts threatening litigation/slanging matches
with only 1% being useful, informative and constructive.

>I want to
> thank Andy Gardner for teaching me something about IDN and
> ascii issues that I didn't know...

This is a subject very close to me and at present I am unable to comment too
much due to an ISO NWIP for Internationalized Country Codes that is
currently out for vote.  I am the Editor of the said NWIP and at this
present moment it looks like it might fail which is a damn shame because if
it does it is my belief that there will be mayhem if IDN TLDs are introduced
piecemeal in an unstructured way.  I may comment further after the 10th.

> I want to thank Danny
> Younger for his tireless, one could say almost obsessive
> pre-occupation with things ICANN and for keeping us informed
> about matters that come to his attention and that he feels we
> should know about.

I support this whole heartedly.

> I want to thank Ross Rader for still
> being on this ML and even contributing from time to time,
> that is simply amazing!

To be honest any right minded individual still lurking on this list deserves
a medal.

> In short, I want to say that far
> from disbanding this list, it is time to realize its actual
> potential.

I believe that is the objective a number of list members have in mind.

>Do you have any idea how much expertise is
> represented on this list?  I think it's pretty safe to say
> that after 8 years of existence this ML community has matured
> to a point where knowledge has an open arena... shall we not
> make use of it in an ordered, measured, thoughtful way?

That would be an excellent idea - wish I had thought of it before :-)

> So Debbie, how do you feel about such an enterprise?

See above.
> Sotiris Sotiropoulos
> Chair

Now here lies the only problem with your mail

Best regards


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