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RE: GA "Election" was fake, ignore the "results" ( was Re: [ga] Elections Results - vote count)

  • To: ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: RE: GA "Election" was fake, ignore the "results" ( was Re: [ga] Elections Results - vote count)
  • From: George Kirikos <gkirikos@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2007 15:50:32 -0700 (PDT)


--- Debbie Garside <debbie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> As Editor of the GA List Rules, I have read through your post, at
> least the
> aspects pertaining to the election process, and found that all of
> your
> claims are unfounded.
> I have reviewed the GA List Archives and found that the outgoing
> Chair has
> behaved admirably, openly and according to the GA List Rules dated
> 10th
> September 2007 and is re-elected according to these rules.
> As I am not infallible and as you are now aware of these updated
> rules, feel
> free to correct me.

Of course, I'd be happy to. Your "rules" at:


(archived at: http://www.loffs.com/images/garules6draft.pdf )


"Voting is secret; only the Secretariat and the EOC will be allowed to
see the votes."

If voting was so secret, why don't you explain to everybody how Joe
Baptista produced the list at:


You can answer that, for starters. Furthermore, the only reference I
can find to adoption of Draft 6 is at:


I do not see that they were voted upon by anyone, as was required by
the prior draft of the rules that the GNSO Council voted upon. What I
did find was:


"There does not appear to be any objection to these amendments." 

That's inconsistent with the "rules" that:

"These rules may at anytime be amended by a majority of voters to the
GA list. The call for a vote maybe by any elected officer or 5 members
of the list. The vote may be held on list or as designated by the

I found no vote in the archives since the GNSO Council meeting of early
September legitimizing rules #5 (but please do point out the vote, if I
missed it).

Furthermore, the document that you state is version 6 has a HTML title
of "GA List Rules 0.5" and "Version 0.5 - proposed for majority vote to
the GA".

So I don't go over my limit of posts, I'd also like to reiterate my
question to Abel as to what he objects to, and point out his own posts


Where the word "wacko" is used. The post at:


where the words "being a coward" and "lie" are employed. And lastly,


where the words "fascistoide", "comp filled trip of power", "vultures",
"split tongue woudl ever be able to hiss", "stop pretendingt, ful your
pockets with the fooosl gold", and  "There is a word for people of
"your kind" where I come from, but it is hardly used outside a kennel

My posting is well within the boundaries set by the posts above.


George Kirikos

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