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RE: [council] NomCom appointee skill sets

Ah, sorry for the confusion.  Here it is moved to the other category

-----Original Message-----
From: David Cake [mailto:dave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2014 7:38 PM
To: Reed, Daniel A
Cc: jrobinson@xxxxxxxxxxxx; council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [council] NomCom appointee skill sets

Actually, that isn't what I intended - I was asking for 
                * Knowledge of privacy and data protection laws and 
implications to the be included in the Variable Criteria under the  "Knowledge 
of and experience with:" list. 

That is, I was asking for NomCom to consider sending us someone with 
significant experience in this area if possible, rather than adding it to the 
minimum criteria that all NomCom appointed councillors are expected to have. 

Other than that, the changes look good, and thank you for being the pen holder 
on this one Dan. 



On 9 Dec 2014, at 5:30 am, Reed, Daniel A <dan-reed@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> <NomCom - GNSO Candidate Criteria--DARV2.docx>

Attachment: NomCom - GNSO Candidate Criteria--DARV3.docx
Description: NomCom - GNSO Candidate Criteria--DARV3.docx

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