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Re: [ga] Karl's comments at the 2003 Senate hearings on allocation systems

> On the other hand, I'm not willing to take the
> cavalier attitude that if a registry fails it's not a
> big deal (as invariably it's the registrants that will
> be affected).

Why not?! Are you a Communist or something?! (sarcasm intended)

> That said, I would be comfortable passing on the
> business plan examination if I has assurances that
> ICANN had developed a registry failover program.
> My policy recommendation:  To expedite the launch of
> new gTLDs ICANN should eliminate registry financial
> considerations as a selection criterion; to safeguard
> the public interest ICANN should create a registry
> failover program.

And what end would this failover program serve exactly?  If a TLD fails,
why should ICANN do anything about it?  Why don't we just let the market
decide, as Karl and Co. are proposing, and let the chips fall where they
may? Or, Danny, do you mean that you want your cake but you want to eat it
as well?

Sotiris Sotiropoulos

I was from Connecticut, whose Constitution declares "that all political
power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on
their authority and instituted for their benefit; and that they have AT
ALL TIMES an undeniable and indefeasible right to ALTER THEIR FORM OF
GOVERNMENT in such a manner as they may think expedient.
     --- A Connecticut Yankee by Twain, Mark

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