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GNSO Council Minutes 1 April 2010

Last Updated:

Proposed agenda and documents

The meeting started at 20:05UTC.

List of attendees:

Andrei Kolesnikov NCA – Non Voting

Contracted Parties House

Registrar Stakeholder Group: Stéphane van Gelder, Tim Ruiz.

Adrian Kinderis – absent, apologies

gTLD Registries Stakeholder Group: Chuck Gomes, Caroline Greer

Edmon Chung – absent

Nominating Committee Appointee (NCA): Terry Davis joined after roll call

Non-Contracted Parties House

Commercial Stakeholder Group (CSG): Wolf-Ulrich Knoben, Jaime Wagner, Mike Rodenbaugh, David Taylor.

Zahid Jamil, Kristina Rosette – absent, apologies

Non Commercial Stakeholder Group (NCSG): Rafik Dammak, Wendy Seltzer, William Drake, Rosemary Sinclair, Mary Wong

Debra Hughes – absent, connectivity issues

Nominating Committee Appointee (NCA): Olga Cavalli

GNSO Council Liaisons/Observers
Alan Greenberg – ALAC Liaison
Han Chuan Lee – ccNSO Observer

David Olive – Vice President, Policy Development
Dan Halloran – Deputy General Counsel
Craig Schwartz – Chief gTLD Registry Liaison
Liz Gasster – Senior Policy Counselor, ICANN Policy Support
Marika Konings – Policy Director
Julie Hedlund – Policy Director
Rob Hoggarth – Senior Policy Director
Glen de Saint Géry – GNSO Secretariat

Invited Guests:
Lisa Phifer – Consultant
Steve Sheng – Sr. Technical Analyst

For detailed information of the meeting, please refer to:

Item 1: Administrative Items

1.2 Update any Statements of Interest

No updates

1.3 Review/amend the agenda

  • No changes

1.4 Note the status of minutes for the following Council meetings per the new Council Operating Procedures:

Item 2: Vertical Integration PDP Update

Stephane van Gelder provided a status report on the Vertical Integration Working Group, noting that it meets weekly under the co-chairmanship of Roberto Gaetano and Mikey O'Connor and Stephane van Gelder is the working group liaison to the GNSO Council.

The Council agreed unanimously on the definite version of objective 5:

Determine as best as possible, to the extent reasonable in the time given, the potential impacts of any recommendations on any affected parties

During its discussion the GNSO Council did suggest that if time ran short for the Working Group to complete objective 5, then a time extension request could be made for the Council to consider.

Action Items:

  • Stephane van Gelder will convey the new language to the working group.
  • The charter will be updated with the approved version of Objective 5.

Item 3: Who is Studies

Liz Gasster provided the Council with a presentation of the Who is Studies Report:

Questions that arose from the discussion

  • How do the Who is Studies link to the Affirmation of Commitments comments on Whois?
  • Do the studies on Internationalised Characters within the Whois fall within the purview of the GNSO budget requests?
  • What are the policy issues implicated by each study?
  • What are the range of different concerns of different groups?
  • What tools are available once the issues have been identified?

Council members were encouraged to discuss and evaluate the Whois studies with their respective Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies and be prepared to provide budget direction to submit a request for funds for Fiscal Year 11 at the next Council meeting on 21 April 2010.

Staff is prepared to address different stakeholder groups, on request, in more detail on the Whois Studies.

Chuck Gomes suggested that any recommendations for how to move forward in providing guidance on a budget request should be posted on the Council mailing list and encouraged interaction on the mailing list in preparation for decisions at the next Council meeting.

Item 4: Prioritization of GNSO work

The Working Group Recommendations are expected at the next Council meeting on 21 April 2010.

Item 5: Status updates

Working Groups and Work Teams leaders are encouraged to provide regular status updates.

Item 6: Any Other Business

The motion to create a Joint Supporting Organisation/Advisory Committee (SO/AC) Working Group on New gTLD Applicant Support was made by Rafik Dammak, seconded by Olga Cavalli, and amended by Wolf-Ulrich Knoben and Tim Ruiz

Whereas, ICANN aims to ensure that the New gTLD Program is inclusive, along the lines of the organization’s strategic objectives;

Whereas, numerous stakeholders have, on various occasions, expressed concern about the cost of applying and about the material requirements for new gTLDs, and suggested that these costs and material conditions might hinder applicants requiring assistance, especially those from developing regions, from cultural/linguistic groups and from non-profit groups such as philanthropies,

Whereas, on 13 March 2010, the ICANN Board adopted Resolution 20 ( requesting that stakeholders work with their respective ACs and SOs to form a working group to provide a sustainable approach to providing support to applicants requiring assistance in applying for and operating new gTLDS;

Whereas, the GNSO Council desires to form a joint working group with other interested Supporting Organizations (SO’s) and Advisory Committee (AC’s) to fulfill this Board request, and to develop a sustainable approach to providing support to such new GTLD applicants, keeping in mind the GNSO Implementation guideline to recover the cost of new gTLD applications and on-going services to new gTLDs.


Resolved, that the GNSO Council supports the formation of a joint SO/AC working group to respond to the Board’s request by developing a sustainable approach to providing support to new gTLD applicants requiring assistance in applying for and operating new gTLDS, keeping in mind the GNSO Implementation guideline to recover the cost of new gTLD applications and on-going services to new gTLDs, and the goal of not creating further delays to the new gTLD process;

Resolved further, that Rafik Dammak shall serve as the GNSO Council Liaison for this joint SO/AC working group;

Resolved further, that the GNSO Council Chair shall within 48 hours of this motion inform the Chairs of other SO’s and the AC’s of this action and encourage their participation;

Resolved further, that ICANN Staff shall within seven calendar days of this motion identify and assign applicable Staff support for this working group and arrange for support tools such as a mailing list, website and other tools as needed;

Resolved further, that the staff support assigned to this working group shall within 48 hours after the support tools are arranged distribute an invitation for working group participants as widely as possible within the SO/AC community;

Resolved further, that the New gTLD Applicant Support WG shall initiate its activities within 28 days after the approval of this motion. Until such time as the WG can select a chair and that chair can be confirmed by the participating SO’s and AC’s, the GNSO Council Liaison shall act as interim co-chair with the liaison(s) from other SO’s and AC’s;

Resolved further, that the New gTLD Applicant Support WG shall as its first action items: i) elect a chair or co-chairs; ii) establish meeting times as needed; and iii) develop and propose a charter describing its tasks and schedule of deliverables for approval by the participating SO’s and AC’s.

Resolved further, that the New gTLD Applicant Support WG shall deliver its initial recommendation for community comment in time for discussion at the Brussels ICANN meeting.

The motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

Absent at the time of the vote: Adrian Kinderis, Zahid Jamil, Kristina Rosette, Debra Hughes and Mary Wong.

Council was informed that Mary Wong, who dropped off the call, supported the motion.

6.2 Are sufficient funds included in the FY11 budget framework to cover GNSO improvements

Chuck Gomes, on behalf of the GNSO, proposed submitting the following comment to the proposed Framework for the Fiscal Year 2011 Operating Plan and Budget:

"We are concerned that there might not be enough funds for the GNSO Improvements and we encourage reviewing the needs and adding additional funds."

The proposition did not receive the Council's full support.

Council members are encouraged to submit individual comments to the public comment period and Staff confirmed that the CFO welcomes comments between now and 17 May 2010 on the public comment forum.

There were no further comments or questions.

Chuck Gomes adjourned the GNSO Council meeting and thanked everyone for their participation.
The meeting was adjourned at 22:08 UTC.

Next GNSO Council meeting will be on Wednesday, 21 April 2010 at 11:00 UTC.
See: Calendar