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Re: [registrars] Nominations, Lesley-Ann Serra

At 07:44 AM 8/25/05, Stephane Boutinet wrote:
Dear All,

Namebay would like to participate in the elections and propose Lesley-Ann SERRA as Treasurer. She will be in the position to participate actively to the Registrar Constituency activities and meetings.
Best Regards,

Dear Registrars: The tasks for the Secretary during meetings are 
substantial.  It is very helpful if the Treasurer can attend ICANN Meetings 
to field some of the issues.
Stéphane has indicated her intention to support Lesley-Ann's attendance at 
ICANN Meetings.  The By-Laws call for the vacating an officer who misses 
three ICANN Meetings in a row.  Stéphane has supported the attendance of 
several of Namebay's staff members at many meetings in the past.  I note 
especially Mathieu Dierstein, has attended almost all ICANN Meetings.
I therefore support Lesley-Ann's candidacy for Treasurer of the RC.

One critical issue for all of us is wire transfer of funds to the RC. When Paul was Treasurer, some members had difficulty with transfers to the UK. Namebay is in Monaco. Several solutions occur to me:
1. Bhavin advised me that the Web site is soon to be launched. It will have 
a provision for accepting payments by credit card.  Naturally, these funds 
should be controlled by the elected Treasurer.  However, it should be 
possible for the Treasurer, whether Donna or Lesley-Ann, to do so.
2. The present account is controlled by Donna.  It has been confusing to 
have the bank and credit card changed every year or so.  Perhaps if 
Lesley-Ann is elected, we can continue to use the same bank and credit card 
arrangement which was initiated by Donna.
Respectfully submitted,
BobC, Secretary

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