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[registrars] Re: Conference Call Invitation for 07/11/2005 04:00 AM

  • To: Registrars Constituency <registrars@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [registrars] Re: Conference Call Invitation for 07/11/2005 04:00 AM
  • From: "Robert F. Connelly" <BobC@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 04 Jul 2005 06:19:32 -0700
  • In-reply-to: <1a9d401c57f5e$32fb98d0$6f03000a@tpcla.local>
  • References: <1a9d401c57f5e$32fb98d0$6f03000a@tpcla.local>
  • Sender: owner-registrars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

At 04:31 PM 7/2/05, Robert Connelly wrote:<br><br>
Open meeting of Registrars:<br><br>
Regards, BobC<br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">
<img src="cid:" width=550 height=75 alt="You Are Invited">
Bob Connelly,<br>
You have been invited by <a href="mailto:rconnell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";>Robert
Connelly</a> to join a conference call as a Conference Organizer.&nbsp;
Please review the conference details and information on how to accept or
decline this invitation.<br>
<img src="cid:" width=550 height=16 alt="[]">
<img src="cid:" width=7 height=7 alt="[]">
&nbsp;<img src="cid:" width=7 height=7 alt="[]">
<img src="cid:" width=550 height=16 alt="[]">
<b>Conference Details</b><br>
<b><a href="#RSVP">Please RSVP</a></b>
<img src="cid:" width=550 height=16 alt="[]">
<img src="cid:" width=550 height=16 alt="[]">
<img src="cid:" width=550 height=16 alt="[]">
<font face="Courier, Courier">13:00 til 15:55 session of Registrars
Constituency Meeting</font><br><br>
<img src="cid:" width=550 height=16 alt="[]">
<img src="cid:" width=550 height=16 alt="[]">
<font face="Courier, Courier">This session is open.</font><br><br>
<img src="cid:" width=550 height=16 alt="[]">
<img src="cid:" width=550 height=16 alt="[]">
Monday, July 11, 2005<br>
<img src="cid:" width=550 height=16 alt="[]">
<img src="cid:" width=550 height=16 alt="[]">
&nbsp;Start Time:<br><br>
04:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time<br>
<img src="cid:" width=550 height=16 alt="[]">
<img src="cid:" width=550 height=16 alt="[]">
&nbsp;End Time:<br><br>
06:55 AM Pacific Daylight Time<br>
<img src="cid:" width=550 height=16 alt="[]">
<img src="cid:" width=550 height=16 alt="[]">
Dial-in Number:<br><br>
1-831-600-1000 (Santa Cruz, California)<br>
<img src="cid:" width=550 height=16 alt="[]">
<img src="cid:" width=550 height=16 alt="[]">
Participant Access Code:<br><br>
<img src="cid:" width=550 height=16 alt="[]">
<img src="cid:" width=550 height=16 alt="[]">
Organizer Access Code:<br><br>
*698061 (you must include the leading star key)<br>
<img src="cid:" width=550 height=16 alt="[]">
<img src="http://www.conferencemgr.com/Images/Default/excl_band0_14x24.gif"; width=14 height=24 alt="[]">
<a name="RSVP"></a>&nbsp;Note:&nbsp; The Organizer Access Code is only
necessary for use of enhanced conference controls.&nbsp; Otherwise, you
can just use the Participant Access Code.<br>
<img src="cid:" width=550 height=16 alt="[]">
<b>Please Select a Way to RSVP</b><br>
via the
Web:<a href="http://rsvp.conferencemgr.com/RSVP.asp?Q=BTATM&amp;E=bobc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";>
via the Web:</a><br>
e-mail:<a href="mailto:BTATM-accept-1888146@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";>Accept</a>
<a href="mailto:BTATM-decline-1888146@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";>Decline</a>(you
can include a personal message for the conference Organizer in the body
of your email)<br><br>
<b>Conference Touch-Tone Quick Reference<br>
<img src="http://www.conferencemgr.com/Images/Default/conf_controls_400x305.gif"; width=400 height=305 alt="Touch-tone Controls">
5, 7, 9 and # are available only to the conference Organizer<br><br>
? Conference Muting Modes: Conversation Mode, Q&amp;A Mode, Presentation
? Chimes settings: Entry on/Exit on, Entry on/Exit off, Entry off/Exit
on, Entry off/Exit off<br>
<img src="cid:" width=550 height=16 alt="[]">
For your convenience, we have attached a calendar entry containing your
conference details.&nbsp; Depending on which operating system and
calendar program you use, you can drag and drop, double-click or download
the attached file into your calendar.<br><br>
<b>See you there!</b><br><br>
<a href="http://www.conferencemgr.com/?source=invitation";>
<img src="http://www.conferencemgr.com/Images/Default/fcbnr_468x60.gif"; width=468 height=60 alt="visit our site and set up your own conference">

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