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RE: [registrars] Domain Registry of America

  • To: "'Mitchell, Champ'" <Cmitchell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "'Robert Connelly'" <BobC@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "'Registrars Constituency'" <registrars@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [registrars] Domain Registry of America
  • From: "Monte Cahn" <monte@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2005 14:53:59 -0500
  • In-reply-to: <9E93DEC285888046B8949287D8B8376401BFE516@VAMAIL3.CORPIT.NSI.NET>
  • Sender: owner-registrars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Thread-index: AcUTkSUvD+l4NQKkTX609ZqxUqkIVgYWO2OQAAGki6A=

I almost fell off my chair after reading your response to this Champ -
"They are a group that has been deceiving people for years."  I probably
beat a lot of people to it but just couldn't resist.

Sure glad to see this fresh new stance on ethics and honesty though - that's
for sure!

Monte Cahn






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-----Original Message-----
From: owner-registrars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:owner-registrars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Mitchell, Champ
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2005 1:57 PM
To: Robert Connelly; Registrars Constituency
Subject: RE: [registrars] Domain Registry of America

They are a group that has been deceiving people for years. We have been
their primary target. The U.S. FTC issued an order against them some time
back. However, they are, or were at the time at least, a Canadian company. I
do not know where they are domesticated today. So the FTC's order has been
by and large meaningless. 

Over the years ICANN has had the opportunity to address this issue, even
though DROA is not a registrar, and has failed to do so. They have had DROA
raised to them by name as a clear example of why fraudulent transfers should
be their concern. The registrars DROA has used, some of whom will be
recipients of this email, have been the knowing recipients of deceptively
transferred names. I am certain of this because we have given evidence of
the deception to some of their sponsoring registrars, including customer
statements saying the customer had no intention of transferring their
domains, and some of those registrars have continued to participate in the

Today it appears unquestionable that their registrar is just a front for
them. We have informed ICANN of this and ICANN has done nothing. This is one
of the reasons why ICANN's claim that it wants to be a regulator falls on
deaf ears with us. Their failure to act and enforce the RAA when they can to
the clear benefit of the consuming public and of honest registrars, and
which among other things would allow them to remove the accreditation of
DROA's captive registrar, is a clear example of actions belying words.

Anytime you have a transfer based on DROA or their registrar the
probabilities approach a certainty that it is fraudulent. 

It is distressing as you indicate. However, that is part of the shape of
this industry and of ICANN, and it is why registrars must always be on guard
to protect their registrants. There are a lot of good people in this
industry. However, there are an unfortunate number of dishonest ones also. 

W. G. Champion Mitchell
Chairman & CEO
Network Solutions Inc.
(703) 668-5200
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-registrars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:owner-registrars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Robert Connelly
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 1:41 PM
To: Registrars Constituency
Subject: [registrars] Domain Registry of America

Dear Registrars:

I received the attached solicitation from Domain Registry of America.

They make it sound as though they have some rights over the present

I think it is a very bad, unethical act on their part, who ever they may be.

Regards, BobC 

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