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Re: [registrars] Motion to change Voting Ballots

  • To: Elana Broitman <ebroitman@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, registrars@xxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: [registrars] Motion to change Voting Ballots
  • From: Jim Archer <jarcher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2003 14:04:27 -0400
  • In-reply-to: <BCAAA5D64C837641A9EBB93E2A50894802A6C9B3@ex2k01.corp.register.com>
  • References: <BCAAA5D64C837641A9EBB93E2A50894802A6C9B3@ex2k01.corp.register.c om>
  • Reply-to: Jim Archer <jarcher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Sender: owner-registrars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Elana, do friendly amendments require the approval of all those who endorsed it? If not, can the endorsement be withdrawn?

--On Friday, July 11, 2003 1:50 PM -0400 Elana Broitman <ebroitman@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


A number of registrars had expressed a wish for anonymous
voting in order to protect Constituency members and potentially foster
greater  voter participation.  The current voting process posts each
Constituency  member's vote as soon as such member votes.  Please note
that only Constituency  members (who have passwords to the boardrooms
site) may view voting results. At the Montreal meeting, we discussed
several options for changing this process,  including a change to post
only the collective results rather than individual votes.  On the list
there was a question about whether or not abstentions may be viewed
under one of the first 3 proposals.  We will determine that fact prior to
the vote.

Consequently, there is a motion for moving to one of the following
1. Post only the collective voting results, not individual results, and
only   at the conclusion of the voting period.

2. Post only the collective voting results, not individual results,
during   the entire voting period.

3. Post individual voting results, but only at the conclusion of the
voting   period.

4. Continue to post individual voting results, during the entire voting


Pursuant to the Constituency Rules of Procedure, this motion needs to
have 5  endorsements, and will be put to a vote under the current voting
procedures  after a 14-day discussion period.  Friendly amendments will
be accepted and  such changes made to the ballot.  Unfriendly amendments
will receive a  separate ballot.

Additional Information

In addition to making this change, there was discussion at the Montreal
meeting about whether or not the Executive Committee should continue to
manage the voting process.  Apparently, the only way that it is possible
to  conduct votes through the boardrooms.org site is for the manager of
the  process (Ex.Com.) to have access to individual votes.  While we do
not intend  to use such access, the Constituency may wish to delegate
this task to a third  party that is not a member of the Constituency.
However, as that would entail  delegation of all boardrooms.org
management functions, including  membership rolls, passwords, etc., it
may be a broader change than  anticipated, require hiring of a secretary,
and/or switching to an alternative  online service.  We plan to
investigate the options and bring them to the  Constituency for
consideration in short order.  In the meantime, however, with  important
votes coming up for the Constituency, we did not want to hold up  the
consideration of a change in vote posting.

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