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Re: [ga] Issues: ICANN fails, the senate commerce commitee prevails:FCC to Develop 'Super V Chip' To Screen All Content


Quoting Jeff Williams on Monday August 06, 2007:
| For more relevant evidence as to ICANN's involvement and/or
| promotion of this failed idea, see:
| http://www.cdt.org/headlines/654  most relevant

This has nothing to do with any ICANN involvement in kids.us. It reports
two separate items: one about the ICANN MOU, and one about kids.us
legislation. Neither are interrelated.

| http://www.fitug.de/icann-europe/0107/msg00020.html

This documents nothing to do with any ICANN involvement in kids.us.
It doesn't even discuss the subject.

| http://www.ntia.doc.gov/forums/kidsus/webcast.html

This documents nothing to do with any ICANN involvement in kids.us.
The word "ICANN" doesn't even appear once in the transcript.

| http://gnso.icann.org/mailing-lists/archives/ga/msg02040.html

Linking to yourself saying that kids.us is related to ICANN doesn't make
it true.

| http://www.icannwatch.org/articles/04/01/20/1714241.shtml

This documents nothing to do with any ICANN involvement in kids.us. In
fact, it says the exact opposite.

| Clearly ICANN's involvement in (kids.us) is well documented

Yes, from what you've shown it is clearly documented that ICANN isn't
involved in any way. As I said before, ICANN does not set each ccTLD's
policies, that is something for the countries to decide.


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