ICANN/GNSO GNSO Email List Archives


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Re: [ga] the GA list, was FYI:Google's chief legal officer...

"Joshua Brady" <somitho@xxxxxxxxx> on Monday, July 23, 2007 at 9:16
AM +0000 wrote:
>Keep private communications private

Josh, the only private issue in this list is Jeff's real identity. As
a lot of the old people notices I did not participate in this list
since more than a year because of the many off topic issues and some
of the email messages (the majority now) which does not help in
anyway and sole purpose for it in my opinion, that the sender wants
to show himself/herself (sorry from some of the good people who try
to use it for real things, but you are a minority now).

I know some will start saying why I do not un-subscribe, the answer I
was going to but I keep them automatically filed in a folder so if I
have some free time that I need a rest for few minutes and read some
"jokes" I check this folder.

Sorry again if I offended some who really still using this list for
good purposes.

Charles Sha'ban

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