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Re: [ga] Draft GA List Rules (as Chair)

  • To: <ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [ga] Draft GA List Rules (as Chair)
  • From: "Prophet Partners Inc." <Domains@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 08:21:32 -0400
  • References: <194061.72124.qm@web52904.mail.re2.yahoo.com>
  • Sender: owner-ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Eric,

For the benefit of those unable to read M$ .doc files, you could save the proposed Rules as a .txt file extension. All of the formatting will be lost, so whoever is reading it will only see the final version and not all the revisions to the draft.

Prophet Partners Inc.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Hugh Dierker 
  To: Jeff Williams ; GA 
  Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 12:13 AM
  Subject: Re: [ga] Draft GA List Rules (as Chair)

  Well I have checked with some others and this format is just fine. I would be happy to publish in another format if that one would be good for everyone. But that is not going to happen, Because everyone is different and some are going to be able to read all and some only one or two.

  But you seem extremely knowledgeable in this area. I would be happy to forward to you as a long email and then you could republish in as many formats as you would like.

  OTOH you, to date are the only one who has mentioned a problem. I cannot change for every one that needs it. So since it is not a big problem I will email as a post the Rules as amended to date.

  Just checked my files on the SEC and US Federal District courts and they all take this format. So unless you have some specific suggestions for a solution and not a problem, I will move forward accordingly. In the ten day time period for notice and further comment we will post in a long email format so as to asure receipt, I may even do that tomorrow but it will not help much with amendments, but maybe good for argument. 

  as Chair (capitol still looks strange)
  Jeff Williams <jwkckid1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
    Dr. Dierker and all,

    Well I have not been even able to read these draft new proposed
    rules as they were not offered in a standard file format. .DOC is
    not and never has been a standard file format. So how can I
    even know if any amendments I might wish to offer? Additionally,
    I believe the members of the GA need to have time to review, one
    day is not enough, these draft new proposed rules. I believe they
    after review, they should be voted on by the GA members as well.
    Otherwise they are not legitimate.

    Hugh Dierker wrote:

    > I am not going to, not, move forward with this. I will submit this
    > to the Council and the secretariat to update our rules. To be
    > convinced I should act otherwise I will need to see specific
    > amendments or a wholly new set.
    > Eric
    > Hugh Dierker wrote:
    > Good Day,
    > I could do this a lot of ways but decided on two methods. I was
    > going to keep the identity of the person who worked so hard on this
    > anonymous for a few days. This was to keep the debate centered on
    > prinicples and not personality. But then I decided the Debbie Garside
    > is tough enough to handle it and members will address the issue after
    > giving some thanks. The second thing I did was to keep it rough and in
    > the word format with corrections still marked, this will help assure
    > that only those with real interest will work on it and that we act as
    > though it is a work in progress not finished perfection.
    > It should be noted that any glaring errors are probably mine as a
    > result of tampering.
    > It would be a fair assesment that we are getting somewhere as a
    > body.
    > I consider it appropriate to work on a second list probably not just
    > what
    > George wants, but sooner or later he will learn to play with others. I
    > am working on getting us two seperate sublists.
    > Avri Doria was thoughtful and caring enough to write us and asked
    > simply that we address;
    > "ask you all to start discussing issues related to the GSNO
    > and ICANN policy." So I do believe we should all try and slant our
    > debates in that way.

    Jeffrey A. Williams
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