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Re: [ga] Increased foreign attendance

...adding CC to your mail would not make it better :), so I've removed them....

At 01:04 6/29/2007 -0700, Jeff Williams wrote:
Veni and all,

Please pardon me again, but how do you know better?

...And I will stop reading right after this false statement.

Here's why:

> At 11:25 6/28/2007  -0400, Michael Froomkin - U.Miami School of Law wrote:
> >I know that a
> >large number of civil society groups decided at pretty much the same
> >time that spending money trying to move ICANN was pouring money away.
> Well, I know differently. That makes us people with different
> knowledge, which is good. Now that we've shared it, we both have more
> knowledge.

And because I didn't say "I know better", but yet you claim I did, that makes your statement false. When you are making such statements in the beginning, I only could imagine what would follow.


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