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RE: [ga] keeping expired domains by a registrar


Especially considering the way in which Network Solutions' handles
direct transfers -- permitting opt-outs by and sharing revenue with
registrants, I am confident that we are in full compliance with the
Consensus Policy.

I was under the impression that the goal of this list is to promote an
open and constructive dialogue between members of the community.  If so,
e-mails like yours below likely will not further that goal.  This will
have to be my last posting on this topic.



-----Original Message-----
From: Danny Younger [mailto:dannyyounger@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2007 1:56 PM
To: Nevett, Jonathon; Gomes, Chuck; Bashar Al-Abdulhadi
Cc: ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; stacy.burnette@xxxxxxxxx; halloran@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [ga] keeping expired domains by a registrar

Dear Stacy Burnette,

In your capacity as ICANN's Director of Contractual
Compliance, I would appreciate a formal determination
as to whether the "direct transfer clauses" in most
registrar Terms of Service agreements stand in
violation of ICANN's Expired Domain Deletion Policy --
please note the correspondence below for a further
explication of the issue.  

I have copied this correspondence also to Deputy
General Counsel Dan Halloran.  I look forward to
clarification of this issue from ICANN staff.

Thank you for your attention to this matter,
Danny Younger

--- "Nevett, Jonathon" <jnevett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> Chuck:  
> Most registrars now have some kind of similar direct
> transfer clause.
> The things to look for are whether a registrant can
> opt out of it -- as
> one can in our clause below -- and whether the
> registrant may share in
> the proceeds of a post-expiration auction of the
> domain name -- as we
> also provide.  
> In the past, most of these names were being grabbed
> by a few registrars
> in the drop pool and auctioned off post-deletion
> with no benefit to the
> former registrant.  
> Thanks.
> Jon Nevett  

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