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Re: [ga] ICANN Board unanimously approves .biz/.info/.org registry agreements by 13-0

At 08:38 AM 09.12.2006 '?.' -0800, Danny Younger wrote:

I and others on this list have opinions.  We put
forward reasonable argumentation in support of those
opinions.  Yet when the ICANN states their opinion on
a matter such as the .biz, .info and .org contracts,
it offers no argumentation in support of the
conclusion.  It is a mantra, "Resolved that..."

Actually the Board discussed that - as you can tell from the minutes, and the live webcast from Sao Paulo. Your problem is that they discussed, but did not reach to your opinion.

All I can infer from your recent decision is that
ICANN maintains that it must have additional revenue,
so the contracts will be approved (with minor token
changes) so that the revenue stream can continue to

So, you are not concerned about the business that run the commercial domain name registration, which will actually suffer from potential increase of prices? You care only for the 40 cents / year which the individual domain name holder might have to pay (might, as it's not confirmed, and there are certain mechanism to check that)?

Don't expect me to believe that the prospect of
unchecked yearly registry price increases is actually
in the public interest.

I don't expect you to believe anything that is going against your opinion.

Veni Markovski

check also my blog:

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