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Re: [ga] court oversight

At 09:54 AM 10/16/2006, Hugh Dierker wrote:
Good point here but how does shutting down ones business help to recover damages?
The injunction if there be one merited should be limited to taking the plaintiff off the spam list.


Again, I'm not a laywer, but as a business professional satisfying, the
damage award of the judgement must be satisfied and seizing another parties
assets or mechanically stopping "the damage' is standard fare. I think reaching
to ICANN is overkill for what is as simple as a "shut" on the router port
and padlock on their cabinet. The equipment does appear to be in the US.
Linford actually came to NANOG, the network operators, and asked us not to
talk about the case. Seems to me he is embedding himself more in the
US than less, but again, IANAL.


Martin Hannigan (c) 617-388-2663
Renesys Corporation (w) 617-395-8574
Member of Technical Staff Network Operations

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