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Re: [ga] significant user representation

At 03:41 p.m. 8/09/2006, you wrote:

At 09:12 AM 9/7/2006, Joop Teernstra wrote:

The original 143.806 individuals (the original ICANN At Large "members") interested to vote for their own ICANN director, especially in North America and Europe were a large enough group of registrants to form a hard-to-capture and representative sample.

How did you determine that there were 143,806 members of this

It is recorded history. http://www.icann.org/at-large/final-report-05nov01.htm

They were self-selected by their knowledge of ICANN, mostly, I think, because they had registered domains.

ICANN sent out letters to the postal addresses of those who registered on-line as "members" and these letters enabled people to cast their vote.
Stacks of undeliverable letters were returned to the ICANN office in Marina del Rey. ICANN acknowledged the numbers.

Please search the online archives and find out how many people actually were able to vote, how the votes were drummed up for the different candidates and how representative of their voters the elected directors turned out to be.

You will find a history full of valuable lessons.



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