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[ga] significant user representation

  • To: "Gomes, Chuck" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [ga] significant user representation
  • From: Joop Teernstra <terastra@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2006 01:12:57 +1200
  • Cc: "kidsearch" <kidsearch@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • In-reply-to: <046F43A8D79C794FA4733814869CDF07AE8330@dul1wnexmb01.vcorp. ad.vrsn.com>
  • Sender: owner-ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

At 06:00 a.m. 3/09/2006, Gomes, Chuck wrote:


As I tried to communicate on a previous post on this list, I have always supported a means of user representation but have never seen a solution that has really represented a significant sample of users. I also recognize though that the same is true of some of the GNSO constituencies, so it is a problem that still needs a solution. Simply creating a solution that gives a new group a voice that is captured by a few activists seems to simply repeat what already seeing. That is why I stated before that I believe that giving users more meaningful choices of TLDs has the potential of giving users, at least registrants, a voice through their buying choices. I am not opposed to other approaches as well, but I believe that they need to be representative of the broader community of users and not just a small group.


The main reason why only "activists" remained was the continued refusal by ICANN to recognize the right of At Large (or Individual Domain Name Owner) representation to become a meaningful part of the decisionmaking process.
The original 143.806 individuals (the original ICANN At Large "members") interested to vote for their own ICANN director, especially in North America and Europe were a large enough group of registrants to form a hard-to-capture and representative sample.

It takes a lot of stubborn staying power to keep on spending time and money in the face of
rejection and hostility, not to mention character assassination and active sabotage, and only the kind of people that are generally labeled as "activists" can bring this up.
The rest is eroded away.

For their commitment to the cause of the registering public alone, these "activists", would likely be elected as representatives, if domain name Registrants had the incentive and the procedures to do so.

Democratic policy making does not work by taking "significant samples". It is driven by small numbers of people who care and majorities who agree with them.



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