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[ga] Rule AmerICANN


I would like to see the exchange between Twomey and Bremer published.
"Far, far more significant than that though, as Twomey informs us, is that the redelegation request did not come from the new Iraqi interim government, but rather Bremer and the Coalition Provisional Authority - which no longer holds any authority in Iraq."

Most have not seen the USA balkanize what others continue to call the Internet, and ICANN is to organize what they call the Internet as an American Digital Umbrella (ccNSO, absurd IDNs, gTLD control). Only a few have seen that Tunis has given five/ten years to technically match the technology level the rest of the world targets through the IGF and a growing grassroots process.

BTW I would like to know who really has access the root server loggers.

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