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Re: [ga] Liberalism versus Conservatism

  • To: hdierker2204@xxxxxxxxx, ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: [ga] Liberalism versus Conservatism
  • From: RBHauptman@xxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 4 Dec 2004 02:34:26 EST
  • Sender: owner-ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Referrrng to him as "Herr Hauptman" says it better than I ever could.


In a message dated 12/3/2004 9:50:10 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
hdierker2204@xxxxxxxxx writes:
I had never seen a pattern of tendencies on this list which indicated to me 
people reacted or acted out of either a liberal or conservative view. Well 
Hauptman got me thinking maybe I just did not see it over my last few years since 
the WG Review. 
So the dutiful student that I am, I researched. I do not see any really 
consistent views expressed by one party or group or another along those lines. As 
Hauptman labels me I am a conservative, yet I argued for more control and less 
worry about mission creep. I should be all big business but I coined the term 
dotcommoner and have faught that there should be no exclusions based on 
ownership of a domain name. (I only use those as examples)
Take the UN in general - quite liberal, but when it comes to WIPO and IT 
quite conservative.
US District courts in general - quite liberal, but when it came to 
cybersquatting quite conservative. China policies quite conservative, but when it comes 
to IT again quite liberal.

It seems to me that theft, chicanery, misrepresentation and abuse by 
monopolies most people decry no matter what side of the isle they are on.
Stability, reliability and security are what both sides of the isle are 
looking for in the end.
But no, I do not see a division between conservatives and liberals within 
this industry.
Except perhaps in Herr Hauptmans' mind. But if someone has some opposite 
examples, I for one would like to see them.

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