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Re: [ga] Appeal to the North American At-Large Community

Danny has his work cut out for him to give the North American At-Large Community the motivation, the cohesion and the organization to make a difference.

Thank you, Danny, for taking up this task!  You have my support.


At 09:11 PM 11/16/2004, Joop Teernstra wrote:
At 05:02 p.m. 16/11/2004, Danny Younger wrote:
The At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) has announced that North American representative Esther Dyson will be stepping down from her post on the committee to pursue other endeavors. <http://alac.icann.org/announcements/notice-soliciting-alac-candidates-11nov04.htm>http://alac.icann.org/announcements/notice-soliciting-alac-candidates-11nov04.htm

After considerable soul-searching, I have decided to apply for the position being vacated and I am seeking your support in this initiative to represent the North American At-Large Community; those of you that know me from correspondence on this and other lists doubtless realize that I have not reached this decision lightly.


What is it that still makes you have a go at Esther's  seat at the table?

Do you have any confidence that at some point the North American At-Large Community will have the motivation, the cohesion and the organization to credibly elect a representative to sit at ICANN?

Or am I missing something?


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