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[ga] Promote competition not competitors

  • To: ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [ga] Promote competition not competitors
  • From: Hugh Dierker <hdierker2204@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2004 06:51:30 -0700 (PDT)
  • Sender: owner-ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I wonder now about this concept.

Although Dotster's reference to subsection 2.3.2 of the registrar accreditation agreement is new, the arguments concerning competitive effects and pricing were presented to and thoroughly considered by the Board in adopting resolution 02.100. As noted in the minutes of the 23 August 2002 Board meeting, the Board recognized that many "registrars . . . saw the WLS as an erosion of competition."

The Board as a whole, however, was unpersuaded by those registrars' arguments. By authorizing VeriSign to offer a WLS, ICANN would remove impediments to competition, not create them. It may (or may not) be true, as Dotster argues, that its "NameWinner" service will not be able to compete effectively in the marketplace because consumers will instead purchase the WLS offering, which provides consumers greater security that their subscription will be fulfilled. It may (or may not) also be true that consumers will prefer the WLS to NameWinner because WLS will be offered through all registrars, while NameWinner is available only through Dotster. 

Arguments that a proposed new service such as WLS will displace existing services because it is more attractive to consumers, however, do not demonstrate a threat to competition. Instead, they reflect the operation of competition. ICANN's core values support the introduction and promotion of competition, not the protection of competitors. See Core Value 6. This Core Value is in alignment with subsection 2.3.2 of the registrar accreditation agreement; it states that ICANN should promote "competition", not "competitors".

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