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[ga] MINC letter to ICANN on Polish cctld posting of the Arabic language table.

  • To: ga@xxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [ga] MINC letter to ICANN on Polish cctld posting of the Arabic language table.
  • From: Ibelimited1@xxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2004 18:56:58 EDT
  • Sender: owner-ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Khaled Fattal
--- Begin Message ---
  • To: Ibelimited1@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: Fwd: MINC letter on Polish cctld NASK's posting of the Arabic language table.
  • From: KHALEDFATTAL@xxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2004 15:24:50 EDT
  • Full-name: KHALEDFATTAL
--- Begin Message ---
  • To: barton@xxxxxxxx, twomey@xxxxxxxxx, verhoef@xxxxxxxxx, vinton.g.cerf@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: MINC letter on Polish cctld NASK's posting of the Arabic language table.
  • From: KHALEDFATTAL@xxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2004 10:53:48 EDT
  • Cc: vinton.g.cerf@xxxxxxxx, KHALEDFATTAL@xxxxxxx
  • Full-name: KHALEDFATTAL
Dear gentlemen,
Attached along with in both Arabic and English  languages is my letter to 
ICANN and IANA addressed to you as ICANN and  IANA's senior executives on the 
grave issue of NASK's, the Polish  cctld, (who are not Arabs) posting the Arabic 
language table on the  IANA website in preparation for ICANN & IANA's rolling 
out  Internationalised Domain Names (IDNs).
I look forward to your attention and immediate action on this grave  matter 
to salvage the standing and perception of ICANN and IANA in the eyes  of the 
international community from further deterioration, a standing that  has 
suffered significantly in the eyes of the Arabic community world  wide as a result of 
NASK's posting.
Furthermore, this event has also highlighted a potential  future crisis for 
other non-English speaking communities who feel that they and  their respective 
languages can and will also be disrespected in the same  manner if current 
ICANN and IANA policies are not reformed significantly and  without further 
The right of Arabs and all non-English speaking people of the  world for self 
determination in what concerns their languages and their cultures  is at the 
core of this crisis. I, the Arabic community and all non-English  speaking 
people of the world look forward to ICANN and IANA's positive and  speedy action 
on this in what is in the  best interest of all  concerned, including ICANN 
and IANA
Best regards,
Khaled Fattal

Chairman & CEO, Multilingual Internet Names Consortium, 
Chairman Arabic language and script working group.
Acting  Executive Director, Arabic Internet Names Consortium, 
President,  Waqalat Arbitration Centre. India. 
+44 1932 831 274  D/L
+44 8701 386804 Fax
+44 7860 866  841 Mobile

Attachment: LETTER~1.ZIP
Description: Zip archive

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