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[ga] Governance issues. what the arab world hears when Bush speaks

  • To: hdierker2204@xxxxxxxxx, jwkckid1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [ga] Governance issues. what the arab world hears when Bush speaks
  • From: Ibelimited1@xxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2004 05:32:55 EDT
  • Cc: ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Sender: owner-ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Dear all, 
for the purpose of further cultural diversity and awareness. And in light  of 
recent US administration attempt to bully their own hand selected Iraqi  
governing council that has no real sovereignty; ponder this as part of the  global 
Internet governance issues, and those who monopolise it, here is the  
following articles for your information.
What the Arab world hears when Bush speaks  
also,  in order to keep things in perspective and those blind people  not 
accuse many of us who exercise our right to show our huge  disagreement with US 
foreign policy of  anti-American sentiment (although I  am an American 
citizen), here   is this article by Robert  G. Kaiser  Who is an associate editor and 
senior  correspondent at The Washington Post, who wrote this excellent article 
 which the daily star of Lebanon has published with the title:
The applause is fading; it's time to change the Iraq script.
What has this with Internet governance  issues?
Sovereignty, transparency, true democratic  representation and inclusion, the 
right for self determination, amongst many  others. those of you that still 
do not get it. I can venture a guess that  not only is English your native 
language but is perhaps your only  spoken language. in that case, I rest my case. 
And I invite you to think deeper  and harder once again.  
Khaled Fattal
MINC chairman and  CEO

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