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Re: [ga] Registrant Membership

  • To: ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: [ga] Registrant Membership
  • From: sotiris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 22 May 2010 13:25:56 -0700

> Sotiris,
> I am not a Registrant and you know that.  I have no stake except as a
>Netizen on a R. Constituency.  Lest people get the impression that what
your >idea is, is an exclusive club being given constituency status
please explain:

It's quite simple. The Registrant's community I envision is for
registrants of domain names. If you don't have any domains under your
registration, you are ineligible to join. Is that clear enough? Just as if
you're not a business, you cannot join the Business Constituency of the
GNSO. The Registrant's Constituency will be an inclusive group for domain
registrants. If you feel you need to be part of a constituency without a
domain name interest, you are free to go ahead and look to set up your own
constituency for "netizens". Last time I checked, the USA was a free
country, no?

Sotiris Sotiropoulos

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