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RE: [ga] ICANN staff researching my political stance on Obama? hahaha

  • To: George Kirikos <gkirikos@xxxxxxxxx>, ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: RE: [ga] ICANN staff researching my political stance on Obama? hahaha
  • From: JFC Morfin <jefsey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2009 19:33:42 +0100

At 03:06 10/01/2009, George Kirikos wrote:
--- "Karl E. Peters" <tlda@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>  Anyone at ICANN wanting to know more, just let me know!!! I could go
on for a while! In
> exchange, I would like to know why they care... They have no personal
(legal) benefit from
> digging for and knowing anyone's stand on political officials. Are
they under contract to
> research for someone else? THAT would be interesting!

Yes, it's pretty funny actually. I wonder how many other people ICANN
staff prepare dossiers about? My favourite cereals are Weetabix and
Shreddies. Maybe they can add that to my dossier, too.
Last january I made france@large to apply to ALAC. This was mainly to 
help welcoming ICANN in Paris. france@large was incorporated in 2000 
by French @large candidates. It is therefore the eldest ALS. After 
ICANN's disinterest in real @large, it kept low ICANN profile while 
engaging a few significant projects and relations (we consider that 
@large are Inrternet lead users, without any reference to ICANN needed)..
So, I was called by an ICANN staff who actually wanted to know who 
paid us because france@large has no banking account. He called back a 
few times. Made a Whois search on other domain names supported by the 
same foundation. And decided that we could not be considered as an 
ALS. My folder at ICANN must be impressive because the guy reported 
his specialized-activist boss (Nick Ahston-Hart [*]) that he spent 
three hours on the phone with me :-)
[*] I says that because of IPWatch 10/5/2007 :"Nick Ashton-Hart, a 
consultant with expertise in forging networks of NGOs to support 
issues, said a critical factor in the success of any coalition is 
ensuring the myriad players adhered to the same message. Ashton-Hart 
was a key player in attracting hundreds of NGOs, civil society groups 
and companies into a coalition that participated in the debate 
surrounding the WIPO Broadcasting Treaty within the UN agency's 
Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights. The group opposed 
the treaty as proposed and contributed to its collapse earlier this year."
I do not know how to fully understand "forging" in that context. 
Never mind, ICANN hired a network forger able to build an ALAC he 
would know how to manage so they do not contribute to the ICANN collapse.

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