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RE: [ga] GoDaddy VP Caught Bidding Against Customers

  • To: <dannyyounger@xxxxxxxxx>, <sotiris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [ga] GoDaddy VP Caught Bidding Against Customers
  • From: "Debbie Garside" <debbie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2008 20:57:37 +0100

I can see benefit in having .bank for security purposes.  Logins for home
users etc. could have built in software that checks to make sure that the
TLD is correct before asking for login and password.  I am sure that this
type of software would be (relatively) easy to design (and install locally)
and would save a lot of people from internet fraud.  On the other hand,
Sotiris is right, the fraudsters will quickly find other ways.  It is about
education, essentially, and I don't think the banks do enough on this score.
But a .bank coupled with the right software would go some way to restore
good faith, good practice and relatively good security IMHO.

Best regards


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:owner-ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Danny Younger
> Sent: 29 June 2008 17:12
> To: sotiris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Cc: ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [ga] GoDaddy VP Caught Bidding Against Customers
> Like the author of the article, I see authentication
> mechanisms (such as those used by .museum) as a way to reduce
> the impact of phishing on this sector.  Rather than asking me
> how a .bank proposal would add value to the namespace, why
> not ask the "Banks in ICANN Consortium" that recently joined
> the BC?  We all know that many will join the BC in order to
> become future registry operators. Doubtless they will have a
> suitable answer for you to consider.
> --- On Sun, 6/29/08, sotiris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> <sotiris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > From: sotiris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <sotiris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > Subject: Re: [ga] GoDaddy VP Caught Bidding Against Customers
> > To: dannyyounger@xxxxxxxxx
> > Cc: sotiris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > Date: Sunday, June 29, 2008, 11:39 AM
> > > Re:  Still waiting for you to explain how a .bank TLD
> > will add value to
> > > the
> > > namespace.
> > >
> > > Have a look at this article which might answer your
> > question:
> > >
> >
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2006/dec/07/money.guardianweeklyt
> > echnologysection
> > >
> > > Of course, it's ultimately up to whomever proposes
> > a .bank or a similar
> > > string to make the case for the added value they will
> > provide.
> >
> > Actually, YOU made the statement that .bank would add value
> so I asked
> > you to make the case... As for the issue which is raised in the
> > article you cite, that is nothing new. Despite a
> never-ending parade
> > of security measures over the past several decades, banks are still
> > robbed and fraud still goes on even though we have all sorts of
> > systems set up to prevent such things. Do you seriously
> think that a
> > .bank TLD will curtail online bank fraud? Creative
> criminals will find
> > a way to get around the measure just as they always have...
> So again,
> > tell us how YOU see the .bank TLD adding value to the namespace.

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