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Re: [ga] domain tastinmg comments

  • To: "Roberto Gaetano" <roberto@xxxxxxxxx>, <domain-tasting-motion@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [ga] domain tastinmg comments
  • From: <chris@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 03:45:35 -0400

So how many drops have there been during the grace period for dot org since the 20 cent fee. You say it's proven so there should be some proof of that somewhere. If it has decreased it is simply because they are the only ones doing it and the others are still free to drop. Once all tlds take on the 20 cent fee they wioll be back doing it again because the playing field will then be even. It's like alarm systems. If one house on the block has one, burglars will choose another easier house to break into. If all the houses had alarm systems, burglars would go ahead and break into houses with alarm systems. They would not suddenly decide not to be burglars.

Chris McElroy

----- Original Message ----- From: "Roberto Gaetano" <roberto@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <chris@xxxxxx>; <domain-tasting-motion@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "'GA'" <ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2008 6:32 PM
Subject: RE: [ga] domain tastinmg comments

I just don't think that a 20 cent fee is enough to stop it
altogether which needs to be done. Make it half price and
maybe we get somewhere.

Mmmmh... It was sufficient for .org, and I don't have evidence it would not
for other TLDs.
But maybe we can already start with 20 cents, and see what happens? Why use
bazookas to kill mosquitos?


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