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[ga] Re: [At-Large] Motion for ALAC board

  • To: ALAC <alac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [ga] Re: [At-Large] Motion for ALAC board
  • From: "Jeffrey A. Williams" <jwkckid1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 06 Mar 2008 03:45:52 -0800

Bret and all my friends,

  Agreed in very extreme instances.  But such would require
legal proof(s) of such a claim.  As a lawyer yourself, I hope
you recognize such.  It should be noted that effecting such
a rule can evoke other counter legal action that may be
detrimental to the original claimant, which I am sure anyone
of reasonable knowledge recognizes.  The old saying
regarding this comes to mind here; "one mans wine is anothers
vinegar".  Ergo opinions often very widely and are far to often
motivated by personal animosity rather than reason.

  Freedom of expression should be everyone's first consideration
and priority as long as such is relevant, however remotely.

  If the ALAC's intent and by definition, suppose to be representative
of Users world wide, abiding by human rights principals should, and
I believe must recognize everyone's freedom of expression, which
BTW is in the US, embodied by the 1st Amendment of our Constitution.
As this ALAC list is supposed to be or become so representative,
it is incumbent upon such a forum to be open, transparent and accountable
to any and all users without prejudice or malice.  Anything less, is
at best an aberation, and possibly an outright fraud or intent to defraud.

Bret Fausett wrote:

> On Mar 4, 2008, at 8:26 PM, Evan Leibovitch wrote:
> > This is mainly because not everyone shares the same
> > threshold of what constitutes abuse.
> But there is some conduct that everyone would consider abuse and that,
> objectively, violates the ALAC Code of Conduct in Rule 22.
>        -- Bret


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