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[ga] RIAA gains another new law school enemy:University of San Francisco Law Clinic Joins Fight Against RIAA

  • To: Ga <ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [ga] RIAA gains another new law school enemy:University of San Francisco Law Clinic Joins Fight Against RIAA
  • From: "Jeffrey A. Williams" <jwkckid1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 01 Mar 2008 00:47:27 -0800


  Well it seems that enemy's or the RIAA, and therfore the
IPC, are mounting.  When will the IPC get the message that
it's time to revoke the RIAA's membership?

The RIAA's litigation campaign has met resistance from the academic
community before, but now it's been taken to a whole new level: the
http://www.vanfeliu.com/attorneyProfile-Beckerman defense of RIAA
victims who are not part of the college community. First the
University of Oregon lashed out on behalf of its students, then it was
the  http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/12/22/1928246&tid=123
University of Maine's Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic on behalf of its 
undergrads. Now, the University of San Francisco School of Law has 
taken the fight a giant step further. Its Intellectual Property Law 
Clinic's attorneys-in-training, working under the supervision of law 
professors, are http://www.usfca.edu/law/news/stories/riaa.html going 
to bat against the RIAA by helping outside lawyers to defend their 
clients, pro bono.  They reached out 3000 miles to get involved in 
Elektra v. Torres and Maverick v. Chowdhury, two cases going on in 
Brooklyn, NY, against non-college defendants. Two of the law students 
in the USF's legal program assisted in the
research and preparation of briefs in these cases, opposing the
RIAA's motion to dismiss the defendants' counterclaims. Thousands of
honor students throughout United States law schools, most of them
digital natives who actually understand the legal fallacies and
technological missteps the RIAA is taking, and who can't wait to 
expose them, make a pretty good resource for the poor and middle 
class people trying to defend these cases.


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