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[ga] Drafting Teams

  • To: ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [ga] Drafting Teams
  • From: Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2008 15:02:54 -0500

To the GA list,

I am just catching up on the GA list after he week's meetings and will respond to those messages that I think were directed to me for which I think I have a reply.

In terms of Drafting Teams (DT - sometime called design team by mistake), they are not a circumvention of the PDP, but are being used as part of the deliberation process for which the GNSO council is responsible and which is mandated in the by-laws. They are intended to get the discussion in the GNSO council started by putting suggested text on the table. In this case the drafting team was set up to develop a suggested plan for how the deliberations in council should proceed. One possibility that the council had considered was that the DT would suggest a charter for an open working group. Instead the Domain Name Tasting PDP DT decided to suggest a motion. Which was also a acceptable suggestion - the council could deliberate on the motion and then vote. Or it could reject the suggestion and do something else.

In this case the GNSO council has asked the DT to reconsider its suggestion at another meeting. It is possible that they will still suggest a motion, I don't know, but I expect more constituency members will be present at this meeting and the outcome may be different.

As with all GNSO efforts, the DT should have an archived mailing list open for all to read. My preference is to keep the DTs small and to restrict them to constituency members so that they can produce a suggestion or a draft within several weeks at most. They are not mean to be the open working groups that allow everyone to come and deliberate a policy, but are meant for framing a starting point to the discussion. I think both DTs and WGs have a critical role to play in the GNSO council's work. I believe that over the next few months we will be creating lots of open Working Groups and there will be many opportunities for GA list members as well as others in the community to participate in orderly discourse and dialogue. As the GNSO improvements indicate, open working groups are the way the GNSO will work in the future.

I am basing the GNSO Drafting Team on the IETF model of a Design Team. In the IETF, as I understand it, the Design Teams are kept small and while they can produce a suggestion or a draft, their suggestion/draft is no more important then any other suggestion/draft someone puts on the table. Likewise with the DT - it is something that the GSNO council will consider as part of its deliberations, but it does not mandate the behavior of the GSNO council except that the GNSO council must give it due consideration.

Thanks for giving me the chance to explain.


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