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Re: [ga] Australian geographic domain names released

  • To: Andy Gardner <andy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [ga] Australian geographic domain names released
  • From: Karl Auerbach <karl@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2007 11:22:24 -0700

Andy Gardner wrote:

I hand-typed djacobson.com into a browser, and I got a godaddy parking page. How the hell do registrars get away with this sort of thing?

To DNS www.foo.tld and foo.tld are entirely different names with different resource record sets.

It was suggested that one ought to use dns wildcards. I don't. It's too much of a blunderbuss approach for my liking.

I sometimes use CNAME records to map all of the names I want a given web server to be visible under and then use the ServerAlias configuration to tell Apache to accept all of those.

For purposes of search engine results I've been told that it is even better to set up actual name-based virtual servers for each of those names and have them do 301 permanent redirects to the desired name. This is not quite as easy as the ServerAlias configuration of Apache, but its not that much harder once you've learned how to set up virtual hosts. (That's Apache virtual hosts, not virtual machines a la VMware or Xen.)


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