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Re: [ga] On Its Way: One of the Biggest Changes to the Internet

  • To: "Prophet Partners Inc." <Domains@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [ga] On Its Way: One of the Biggest Changes to the Internet
  • From: Karl Auerbach <karl@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2007 00:45:52 -0700

Prophet Partners Inc. wrote:

With the potential problems from long IDN names, could poorly configured DNS applications possibly create situations of DNS instability? Could criminal or terrorist organizations launch DoS attacks in this manner?

Well, that's a tricky question.

In most cases, people who create long nasty names, as I did in the examples I put on the list a few minutes ago, tend to end up hurting themselves by making themselves unreachable by others.

But not always.

Of course there are the look-alike issues - 0.tld versus O.tld; which one is the real Overstuck?

I've been playing a lot in the world of SIP based VoIP. SIP, like DNS, tends to allow a lot of hidden interactions - DNS uses a hierarchy of hand-offs of resolutions while SIP tends to operate via a sequence of relays.

A difficult attack using DNS would be to answer a DNS query for a SIP target with the address of a sort-of-stealthy proxy that forwards the SIP traffic, but monitors or manipulates it or causes the RTP voice packets to also go to a sort-of-stealthy monitoring relay. This would be hard to do, but with the right juggling it is actually feasible, but just barely, even at the DNS root level. (And consider that some of our root servers are operated by US governmental agencies that might have a reason to want to spy on certain VoIP calls.) This attack is, as I said, very hard because you need to know which query to give a bad reply to, and the monitoring proxy isn't really all that stealthy to anyone who is really watching.

But on the other hand, denial of service is a wonderful attack method when one is trying to cause confusion while engaging in another form of attack. But again, DNS attacks often require one to get a toehold into a privileged place in order to have an affect. But then again, there are so many places to get toeholds - from DHCP to ARP to unprotected routing protocols, etc.

IDN names in and of themselves do pose a risk of increased buffer overrun issues - code will be seeing longer names than has frequently been the case.

Another issue caused by length of IDN names is that query interactions may have to shift from UDP to TCP - that's from two packets/one round trip time to about 10 packets and somewhere from two to four round trip times, a substantial increase in net load, not to mention the fact that a DNS server's TCP stack will have to maintain state for those TCP connections, including the dreaded close-wait state.

In other words, IDN's could push a DNS server or its links into overload by causing queries to move from UDP to TCP. What's the degree of that risk? I dunno. Again it's a denial of service thing rather than a direct attack.

IDN's have an indirect affect on those of us who have to repair networks - we tend to see the world through packet captures and other low level tools. IDN's are going to add one more layer of complexity. Whereas today I can look at a traceroute printout and kinda grok the meaning of the host names on the path, in an IDN world, it will look like gibberish. Problem isolation might take longer until the tools evolve. And given that most people are still using primitive ping as their primary tool, my hopes for tool improvement are not high. (I founded a company about 12 years ago to build better tools, and we did good things technically, but other bad things trumped those; long live Empirical Tools and Toys [ETNT] and Dr. Watson the Network Detective's Assistant!)


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