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Re: [ga] On Its Way: One of the Biggest Changes to the Internet

  • To: Ram Mohan <rmohan@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [ga] On Its Way: One of the Biggest Changes to the Internet
  • From: Karl Auerbach <karl@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2007 18:40:52 -0700

Ram Mohan wrote:

Numerous other usability issues exist, including some interesting ones such as searchability of IDN names and IDN TLDs.

It's been a while since I last scanned SIP VoIP implementations for DNS vulnerabilities.

But when I last did it, I found that a lot of VoIP phones had weak DNS resolving engines that could be easily confused/killed by long names (and IDN names can get long) and long or strange CNAMEs.

(It is amazing the devices than can be sent into the weeds by giving 'em a SIP or HTTP URI/URL that contains a domain name that gets mapped via a CNAME into something that is either very long or contains the full variety of 8-bit characters without honoring the "hostname" character set constraint.)

Again, as you say, at the DNS layer, it's all just ASCII labels. And the problems I saw weren't IDN problems, just weak DNS implementations.


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