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Re: [ga] The Serious People -- identify yourself

  • To: ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: [ga] The Serious People -- identify yourself
  • From: Peter Dambier <peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 05 Oct 2007 21:47:14 +0200

Hash: SHA1

Hi Ross,

be careful about fictuous people. There are not many foreigners who
have been flying a soyuz. Most of them are known by name.

My identification:

2) Peter Michael Dambier

I am one of the guys who were running the Public-Root.
Not one of the bastards who stole the money but one of the slaves
who made things work.

Now I am one of the people who are running the Cesidian Root:


And I am one of the guys from ARL Association Racines Libres
a child of the pirates party doing kind of quality assurance
for alternative roots and for the one and only root.


is one of the tools that Joe Baptista and me have developped to
do the work.

Peter and Karin (my wife who is joining most of my work)

George Kirikos wrote:
| Hello,
| --- Ross Rader <ross@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
|>list moderator). So I'd say, if there are still people on this list
| that
|>are serious about using the GA mailing list as a forum for
|>inter-constituency and interested stakeholder dialogue, then identify
|>yourself and we'll figure out what to do about the k00k factor. If no
|>one feels passionately about this, then let the k00ks have their fun.
| Ok, let's start identifying ourselves:
| 1) George Kirikos
| Feel free to add yourselves to the list of participants.
| By the way, I'd still consider the proposal of yesterday an alternate
| route:
| http://gnso.icann.org/mailing-lists/archives/ga-200709/msg00335.html
| namely having multiple lists (and renaming this mailing list, if it is
| to continue in any form, to something more descriptive of its true
| nature).
| What happens to folks who don't self identify themselves? Purge them
| from the mailing list as being inactive? (conceivably, on an annual
| basis, the mailing list could reconfirm subscribers, thus ensuring that
| everyone who is subscribed is at least "semi-active", in that they
| renewed their subscription on an active basis, instead of passively
| lurking for years)
| Sincerely,
| George Kirikos
| http://www.kirikos.com/

- --
Peter and Karin Dambier
Cesidian Root - Radice Cesidiana
Rimbacher Strasse 16
D-69509 Moerlenbach-Bonsweiher
+49(6209)795-816 (Telekom)
+49(6252)750-308 (VoIP: sipgate.de)
mail: peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
mail: peter@xxxxxxxxxxxx.pirates
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