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RE: [council] Action items from Prague / GNSO Review

Stephane --

How about starting from the top down?  What is it the council intends to 
accomplish for the week in Toronto?  The answer to that question will inform 
the structure of the week.

Council work grew backward into Saturday and Sunday a few years ago because of 
the volume of work.  If the council doesn't intend to self-regulate its own 
work, those two days will be insufficient and we'll be looking at three days of 
prep instead of two.  We need a new way to manage our work burden and prepare 
for interactions at meetings.  And now we're trying to fit brainstorming (which 
is a worthy activity) into a calendar already too full to handle.

The questions I would ask are these:
- We are brainstorming so that what happens? (I'm all for it as long as it's 
- Is there an alternative way to prepare for the Toronto week so that we free 
some time for brainstorming?

I suggest we answer the first in as detailed a ways as possible, and consider 
the second.  Perhaps starting very early (well before Toronto) we can prepare 
at  least some of the work before we arrive at the meeting.  Yes, I realize the 
month before a meeting has crushing workloads, but if we don't do something, 
the alternative is more punishing -- two full prep days Sat and Sun, our full 
constituency day Tuesday, our public meeting Wednesday, and wrap-up Thursday.  
And that's just the administration -- it doesn't include other GNSO-related 
business (WG meetings, joint meeting with ccNSO, etc.).

I am happy to help with this process.  It may be that we change how we manage 
our work during Toronto and beyond.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx on behalf of Thomas Rickert
Sent: Tue 7/10/2012 1:46 PM
To: Stéphane Van Gelder
Cc: GNSO Council List
Subject: Re: [council] Action items from Prague / GNSO Review
Hi Stéphane,
thanks for your feedback. 

Just two points:

Re Fridays: I guess it is not getting Fridays back for the sake of getting 
Fridays back, but to provide some space for people to think  out of the box. 

I would agree that the format would be too constraining for the GNSO Council. 
However, this was designed for the community as such, not the GNSO Council 
(which is why I said that it could be considered off-topic). For the whole 
community, I guess that some structure is needed and the reports are meant to 
fill in the rest of the community that was not present in the breakout session. 
However, your point is well taken that the participants of the breakout 
sessions might chose just to talk confidentially and have nothing documented.


Am 10.07.2012 um 22:33 schrieb Stéphane Van Gelder:

        Thanks Thomas.

        Thanks for starting this discussion. I think it's a great one to have, 
and I will respond in my personal capacity only.

        I am surprised that people are so keen to reinstate Fridays. It amazes 
me how uncomfortable with change people seem to be. IMO, the simple truth is 
that ICANN meetings could go on for 3 weeks and we'd still not have enough time 
to cover everything we'd like to. So a line has to be drawn somewhere. I 
continue to applaud Steve's decision to cut Fridays and to draw that line, so I 
would not be in favour of bringing a full day of meetings back to Fridays.

        On the format you suggest for discussions, I find it well thought out 
but constraining. I would much rather have free discussion than a format that 
is so pre-ordered, right down to the requirement to provide a written report at 
the end. I think what we in the GNSO have found is that the great nature of our 
wrap-up discussions is that they are free. No agenda, no minutes, no report.

        Hope that helps get the discussion going.

                                                Stéphane Van Gelder
        Directeur Général / General manager
        INDOM Group NBT France
        Registry Relations and Strategy Director
        Group NBT
        Le 9 juil. 2012 à 18:11, Thomas Rickert a écrit :

                Stéphane, all,
                first of all, thanks for the letter to Fadi!

                As regards time to discuss, I would like to share some thoughts 
with you. 
                In Prague, Mary, Bill, Chuck and Bertrand hat a good informal 
conversation about this very subject and were brainstorming if and what could 
potentially be done on Fridays. I guess that is what Bill alluded to when 
talking about "ICANN generally, not just GNSO". 

                Bertrand asked me to write down my ideas on this, which I did 
and which you find below. Please bear with me if you regard this as off topic 
as it does not deal with the GNSO Council meeting agenda, but I thought it 
might be of interest.

                It is felt by part of the community that the ICANN agenda is 
usually packed and does not allow for in-depth discussions particularly when it 
comes to "visionary" or strategic topics. Also, there may be the need to 
provide a forum for discussions that may or may not be on the agenda during 
ICANN meetings or where another format than the public forum is needed.
                With this proposal, I would like to outline a potential format 
to meet the above needs and encourage broader and more active participation. 
                Offering the possibility to discuss face to face and in depth
                - in small groups
                - on particular questions and
                - topics that are more of a strategic or niche character
                may be useful to reach out to those members of the community 
that would usually not speak up or that do not have the resources to regularly 
engage in groups or projects. 
                How to pick topics and introduce the format?
                It may be worthwhile having a session on Monday to explain the 
format and invite the community to propose subjects to be discussed on Friday. 
The proposing person should write a brief summary of the topic he or she wishes 
to discuss including a bit of background information, if deemed useful. There 
should be a character limit, e.g. to 500 characters.
                For the first attempt, I would suggest to keep the subjects 
completely open except for the fact that there needs to be relevance to ICANN's 
role or the broader subject of Internet Governance. For future events, a broad 
topic could be proposed to give the whole session one theme.
                The deadline for collecting topics should be COB on Tuesday. 
This would allow for the individual groups to discuss potential topics on 
Tuesdays. Attendees should then have the opportunity to review the proposed 
subjects on Wednesday and Thursday and prepare for the discussion.
                The proposed subjects should be published on ICANN's website.
                What could a "new Friday" look like?
                The format would roughly look like as follows:
                1. Plenary
                The day should start with a plenary session in which the format 
of the day is explained. 
                Those who have proposed subjects will get 2 mins each to 
introduce the subject. 
                Afterwards, a show of hands of the participants will be carried 
out to determine how many attendees are interested in the individual subjects.
                To start with, I would plan for 5 subjects and have 5 rooms 
prepared with a whiteboard for breakout sessions. 
                Rooms will then be allocated and announced for the breakout 
                It is not unlikely that there will be more than 5 topics. 
However, it is also not unlikely that some niche topics only find the interest 
of a few people. These groups might be able to continue their discussion at the 
venue even though there is not a reserved meeting room.
                2. Breakout Sessions
                The breakout sessions should be chaired by staff or other 
persons that have skills in moderating discussions. They need not be experts in 
the subject matter - in fact it may be an advantage if they are not 
knowledgable in the area concerned. The chair would not only moderate the 
discussion, but also keep some notes and act as rapporteur. 
                The chair/ rapporteur should 
                - make sure to ask the participants whether there are any 
confidentiality requirements;
                - summarize the views exchanged on the subject matter;
                - reach agreement in the group on a statement on what the 
outcome / next steps should be.
                As regards the last point, the outcome of the session is 
completely open. It may well be that a group gathers and concludes that there 
should not be any further steps. Other results may be requests to a respective 
body inside ICANN to further consider the topic and potentially provide for a 
more formal forum to work on the subject.
                3. Reconvening of the Plenary
                In the plenary, the chairs / rapporteurs briefly report in 5-10 
minutes each about the outcome of the breakout sessions. There should be a 
brief q&a after each report to allow other community members to provide their 
                After the session, the chairs / rapporteurs will provide ICANN 
with a short written report that will be published on ICANN's website. The duty 
of the chair / rapporteur ends here.
                The discussions should be punctual and the result of the 
sessions should NOT be that new groups are institutionalized there or other 
deliverables beyond the reports are produced. 

                Am 06.07.2012 um 21:18 schrieb Stéphane Van Gelder:

                        This already features as a discussion item for the next 
meeting. If Councillors wish to pursue this discussion on the list before then, 
please do so.

                                                                Stéphane Van 
                        Directeur Général / General manager
                        INDOM Group NBT France
                        Registry Relations and Strategy Director
                        Group NBT
                        Le 6 juil. 2012 à 19:18, Neuman, Jeff a écrit :

                                I strongly believe it is way to early for a 
review.  Let's reserve this subject for a discussion on the next Council call 
before setting up the group.
                                Sent with Good (www.good.com 
<http://www.good.com/> )
                                -----Original Message-----
                                From: Stéphane Van Gelder 
                                Sent: Friday, July 06, 2012 12:41 PM Eastern 
Standard Time
                                To: Winterfeldt, Brian
                                Cc: Wendy Seltzer; GNSO Council List
                                Subject: Re: [council] Action items from Prague 
/ GNSO Review
                                Is there support from others for the creation 
of a group?
                                I would think that the group would need to be 
formalised as a DT, with a charter. Although you may wish to bring the review 
forward Wendy, others clearly feel we should be doing exactly the opposite. 
With such strong divergence of views, we must ensure that the mechanism we use 
to discuss this issue is unambiguous and accountable.
                                Envoyé de mon iPhone4
                                Le 6 juil. 2012 à 16:26, "Winterfeldt, Brian" 
<bwinterfeldt@xxxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :

                                        I am happy to join Wendy as apart of 
the small group as well.



                                        Brian J. Winterfeldt  




                                        -----Original Message-----

                                        From: owner-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
[mailto:owner-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Wendy Seltzer

                                        Sent: Friday, July 06, 2012 6:34 AM

                                        To: Stéphane Van Gelder

                                        Cc: GNSO Council List

                                        Subject: Re: [council] Action items 
from Prague / GNSO Review

                                        On 07/01/2012 07:00 AM, Stéphane Van 
Gelder wrote:

                                        GNSO Review

                                        We have discussed two possible 
alternatives: drafting a request to the SIC to delay the review and creating a 
small group to look at this issue. What do we want to do?

                                        I volunteer to be part of a small group 
discussing the review.  I favor

                                        *advancing* rather than delaying the 
review, as well as helping the SIC to frame it to address the challenges and 
barriers to consensus-building that stem from our current siloed structure.



                                        Wendy Seltzer -- wendy@xxxxxxxxxxx +1 
617.863.0613 Fellow, Yale Law School Information Society Project Fellow, 
Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University 
http://wendy.seltzer.org/ https://www.chillingeffects.org/ 
https://www.torproject.org/ http://www.freedom-to-tinker.com/

                Thomas Rickert, Rechtsanwalt
                Schollmeyer &  Rickert Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft m.b.H. (i.e. 
law firm)
                Geschäftsführer / CEO: Torsten Schollmeyer, Thomas Rickert
                HRB 9262, AG Bonn
                Büro / Office Bonn:
                Kaiserplatz 7-9, 53113 Bonn, Germany
                Phone: +49 (0)228 74 898 - 0
                Büro / Office Frankfurt a.M.:
                Savignystraße 43, 60325 Frankfurt, Germany
                Phone: +49 (0)69 714 021 - 56
                Zentralfax: +49 (0)228 74 898 - 66
                mailto: rickert@xxxxxxxxxxx
                skype-id: trickert
                web: www.anwaelte.de <http://www.anwaelte.de/> 

Thomas Rickert, Rechtsanwalt
Schollmeyer &  Rickert Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft m.b.H. (i.e. law firm)
Geschäftsführer / CEO: Torsten Schollmeyer, Thomas Rickert
HRB 9262, AG Bonn

Büro / Office Bonn:
Kaiserplatz 7-9, 53113 Bonn, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)228 74 898 - 0

Büro / Office Frankfurt a.M.:
Savignystraße 43, 60325 Frankfurt, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)69 714 021 - 56

Zentralfax: +49 (0)228 74 898 - 66

mailto: rickert@xxxxxxxxxxx
skype-id: trickert
web: www.anwaelte.de

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