WHOIS Task Force 3 Teleconference February11, 2004 - Minutes ATTENDEES: GNSO Constituency representatives: ICANN Staff Manager: Barbara Roseman Absent: Brain Darville stated that he would put together a skeleton report which would be circulated to the group: Not a lengthy document because the data is not yet available but there should be consensus from the small group on what the report would look like before it was circulated to the full group. Discuss Rome meeting and delay selection of chair for the meeting until Wednesday 18. Timeline Brian Darville proposed that the following timeline schedule be suggested at the joint task force chair and GNSO chair meeting on Thursday 12 February. The only modification proposed was that constituency statements which had not yet been called for should be moved to March 12, 2004. Survey: Track should be kept of requests made to various companies to complete the survey and the list should be sent to the GNSO secretariat so that contacts made are registered at one central point. The GNSO secretariat reported that a request had been made to have access to the archives and these would be sent to each person on the task force so that the survey responses would be available privately and not publicly Sarah Deutsch had a request from her company as to how the data would be reported and confidentiality issues handled. In order to encourage responses the data should not reveal the company name. Barbara Roseman stated that task force I mentioned in the survey that the information would not be shared beyond the task force. Brain Darvile suggested assessing the situation in a week's time. Next meeting: Some ideas on how to look at the data Brian Darville thanked everyone for their presence and participation and ended the call at 15:40 UTC. Next call: Wednesday 18, 15:00 UTC, 10:00 EST, 7:00 Los Angeles, 16:00 CET. |