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WHOIS Task Force 3 minutes

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WHOIS Task Force 3 Teleconference February 18 , 2004 - Minutes


GNSO Constituency representatives:
Intellectual Property Interests Constituency - Brian Darville - Chair:
Intellectual Property Interests Constituency - Terry Clark
Registrars Constituency - Ross Rader
Registrars Constituency - Brian Cute
Commercial and Business Users constituency - Sarah Deutsch
Non Commercial Users constituency - Frannie Wellings
At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) liaisons: - Vittorio Bertola

Angela Smith for Terry Clark from Intellectual Property Interests Constituency

GNSO Secretariat: Glen de Saint Géry

ICANN Staff Manager: Barbara Roseman
gTLD Registries constituency: - Ken Stubbs
Internet Service Providers and connectivity providers Constituency - Greg Ruth
Intellectual Property Interests Constituency - Kiyoshi Tsuru

Brian Darville asked for a plan of action proposal leading up to the preliminary report on April 9.
Ross Rader suggested starting on drafting the report as it was unlikely that there would be more information.
Brian Darville suggested going back to some of the groups who had not responded.
Sarah Deutsch suggested that telephone contact would be more acceptable to assure responses and privacy that appeared to be concern, but some task force members stated that time was an issue for them.
She questioned whether ICANN was able to make resources available to collect this information. Brian Darville referred to a former suggestion by Barbara Roseman that an outside group be contacted to do the survey, but it was agreed that it would take too long if it could be implemented and would not solve the immediate problem.
Angela Smith, on behalf of Terry Clark, volunteered to make 20/25 phone calls and it was agreed to send all contact information to her.
Ross Rader, the author of the previous Whois task force report, 60 to 70 pages, that took 3 weeks, offered to put together a high level framework of statements to which task force members could respond on the list.

Deadline March 19 for the report framework.

Before the next meeting staff should contact Elisabeth Porteneuve and find out whether the CENTR Whois report is available and if not why not.

Next call:

Discuss report framework

Brian Darville thanked everyone for their presence and participation and ended the call at UTC. 16:00

Next call: Wednesday 17 March, 15:30 UTC, 10:30 EST, 7:30 Los Angeles, 16:30 CET.