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Sponsorship Letter

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Dear Sir/Madam,

The Latin American and Caribbean Regional At-Large Organisation (LACRALO) includes 36 national and civil society groups in 15 countries in the Latin America and the Caribbean region. Together, LACRALO represents the regional interests of the At-Large community of individual Internet users in the Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).

As chair of LACRALO, I am writing to inform you that we are organising a showcase event during the ICANN 39th meeting to be held in Cartagena, Columbia, 5-10 December 2010. The showcase event will be held at the main ICANN meeting venue in Cartagena on Monday 6 December 2010 at 6pm local time. The LACRALO showcase event will highlight the activities of the Internet user groups in LACRALO as well as serve as an outreach and networking event for Internet user organisations in Latin America and the Caribbean attending the ICANN meeting.

The LACRALO showcase event will be promoted to all attendees at the ICANN meeting in Cartagena with flyers and will feature several speakers including Mr. Alejandro Pisanty as a keynote speaker and the ICANN President and CEO, Rod Beckstrom.

As an organisation recognized as an important contributor to the Internet Governance activities in the Latin American and Caribbean region, we in LACRALO are seeking your organisation’s support and sponsorship in making our showcase event possible and successful.

Your organisation’s generous sponsorship of the LACRALO showcase event will be highlighted by:

  • being featured on all promotional materials for the event
  • having a representative from your organisation to speak at the event
  • having space available to showcase your activities in the Latin American and Caribbean region.

It is anticipated that approximately 12 ALSes from all over the Latin American and Caribbean (see map & full Regional list) will be attending the 39th ICANN Meeting and the showcase will be catering for up to 60 persons.

The cost to sponsor the LACRALO showcase is expected to be approximately $1000 US.

The project planning work-group and leadership of LACRALO look forward to your response to this request and will be contacting you during the second week of November 2010 to to discuss this in further detail with you or your nominated representatives.

We sincerely hope that your organisation will consider our request favorably to make this showcase event a success.


Andres Piazza